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Andy is your best friend and the only person who will stay by your side till the end. He is a ray of happiness and he will make you laugh no matter what happens and he will try his best to keep his feeling inside but will always have a nice smile on his face. Andy is the most kindest person you'll ever met and caring. He will only worry about your feelings then his own. He will always put you first instead of his problems because he thinks their not as important. Andy is a very goofy guy and can make you laugh in seconds. Andy will never tell you if he is going though something until he trusts you completely. If you find an Andy keep him because you will never find a better person to be around with then Andy.

"Hey Andy, you doing ok?"
"Yeah, how are you, I saw you crying the other day."

by I'mjustthatperson September 28, 2020

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Andy is a smart,funny,and caring young man who will always try to make things right.He is the most loyal and trust worthy person you'll ever meet.You would be so lucky to have him and he would never let you down.

Andy:hey what's wrong.
Friend:1 my boyfriend broke up with me
Andy: Everything is going to be alright don't let him ruin your day.

by Never loose hope November 17, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The sexiest man alive. Absolutely irresistible. Can't get enough. Faggy clothes, good taste in music, SEXY! I want to freak him in my sleep he's so amazing!

Mr. B Andy

by Mrs. BS July 4, 2009

154๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


FAT, HUMONGOUS, THROBBING, PENIS (average mass:ten pounds)

Mary: So how was Larry in bed?
Jessica: Amazing. His dick was so big you would think his name was Andy

by Gargo Penis April 10, 2012

84๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


Strong, normally pale guy. Hes very tall normally and has a great sense of humor.

Andy? oh yeah hes texting mackenzie.

by Maccckkerrs. August 8, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The rare species Andrew steel or more commonly known as andy is currently in a homosexual friends with benefits relationship with his beloved car ! As the andy suffers from a lack of development in the pre frontal cortext of his brain his risk judgment is very inaccurate ! He can be found doing over 100km in a 60km zone in an area behind a police station where many police cars often are found! He also enjoys woman with large breasts and good banter often shared with Lucy or Nathan ๐Ÿ˜Š He enjoys playing pool in his spare time and skittles are one of his favourite foods ! He is over confident at times and believes he can effectively crack an egg with one hand which he can't ! Overall andy is a genuine lovely caring person though at times reckless and stupid who is well loved and cared for by his friends ๐Ÿ˜Š he also needs a new hoodie as always wears the same one

My mate is definitely a true andy, he's something special

by Lewcy March 4, 2015

22๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Let's be real Andy is such a player and just can't seem to keep one girl. he often has trouble coping with issues and tends to keep things to himself. Andy's may often find themselves finding bad habits to deal with their problems which sometimes causes pain to those around them. Even though they make bad decisions which sometimes hurt the people around them they really do care about those that are close to them and have a really big heart.

'Ahhhh that Andy has gone and done it again'
'whats Andy's problem now?'
'that Andy is so sweet when he wants to be'

by hoodoovoodoo August 13, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž