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antisocial potato

The name of which a person who thinks they are ugly and antisocial use for themselves

"Ugh whatever I'll just sit here and be an antisocial potatoπŸ˜•"

by Antisocial_potato_77 December 28, 2016

Antisocial Black

The colour your name appears in on Facebook if you have set your privacy options to prevent anyone other than your friends from being able to make contact with you in any way. If you are listed in Antisocial Black no one can send you a message, friend request or anything else.

Sarah: "I spotted Janet on Facebook the other day, I really want to get in touch with her."
Helen: "Send her friend request then!"
Sarah: "I can't - she's antisocial black."

by DaisyBelle July 18, 2009

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antisocial networking

The Liberal media censoring web blogs so that only their
socialist agenda is presented. Democrats feeble attempt to brainwash the populous into their twisted way of thinking.

AOL is part of the current the present administrations antisocial networking.

by NCKnobster May 20, 2011

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antisocial networking

A term used to describe people who rarely, if ever visit social networking sites because they have better things to do with their time. They limit their activity to 30 minutes a day. They avoid habits like changing their profile picture daily and putting every thought they have on Twitter. Most don't have an Instagram account, but the few that do avoid uploading pictures that make it seem like they're showing off.

Janet: You've only posted on the News Feed twice this whole month. What's up with that?

Mike: I'm antisocial networking.

Janet: I'm impressed.

by 2014_chiguy September 19, 2013

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antisocial media

The use of social media while socialising in the presence of other people.

Look at John, he's busy on the antisocial media again πŸ˜’

by dyjohn March 10, 2016

antisocial food

food which have "antisocial" properties such as: garlic and onion.
Any food which will lead to stinking breath smell.
After a person have an antisocial meal he or she can not socialize and should keep his distance from other people (at least 1.5 meter). Because otherwise close range conversations are very unpleasant.

He tried to hit on me after he had ate antisocial food! I could smell his breath mile away.

- I had to listen to my boss' new plans for 20 minutes, it was torture!
- He had ate antisocial food.

by FREE Spirit forever January 12, 2010

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antisocial personality

When you don't like dealing with people anymore and have officially given up on trying to be social to people so you avoid it all together

"All she does is sit at home, eat pizza and watch Netflix." "Yeah, she has an antisocial personality "

by Well that's nice October 20, 2015

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