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A “BDub” is slang for a man who performs oral sex for little to nothing. Usually found in the corners and alleyways of Gary Indiana.

“Nah don’t go round dude, he a whole ahh BDub”

by Bevsbestbro June 10, 2024


A minecraft youtuber Who likes to sleep every night without fail.
he carries a clock and a bed and sometimes looks like a moss man ,with giant anime eyes

Youre such a bdubs by sleeping every minecraft night immediately

by riverdoesntdostuff November 9, 2022


When you are fishing or hunting so far back in the cabbage (woods, forest, cabby, bush, etc.) and there are no other humans for miles. Typically while bdubbing, the fishing or hunting is far above average and most others do not get to experience your success.

Last Friday I went Bdubbing and caught 200 crappies in back bay. Wah!

by Wahhhindacabby March 19, 2021