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beatin the joint

to have sex

i just got finished beatin the joint

by nyaunna July 20, 2008

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nigga beatin'

when you're completely intoxicated but don't realize it until you stand up or move significantly

"hey man, i'm fine. *stands up* OH SHIT MAN!, nah i'm nigga beatin'!"

by Courtney. Maggie. Zeynep. Megan. YOU KNOW April 23, 2006

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me watching a show about lesbians gambling my little brother : "HE NOT BEATIN GOKU"

by Kobe James Jordan October 14, 2020

beatin down the block

You are doing one of three things while driving

1. slangin dope on the block real hard
2. thumpin music out tha trunk
3. just lookin or actin cool as you ride through tha hood

"Beatin down tha block in my 89' chevy"

by chris smith January 1, 2004

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beatin stroganoff

synonym of jacking off

I was beatin stroganoff last night.

by cgay October 29, 2007

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Freshmen ass beatin

When your a freshmen and freshmen ass beater finds it necessary to hurt you in many ways

Todd just got a major freshmen ass beatin

by Milkius dudius October 19, 2018

Beatin up da Block

to cruise around city streets while listening to extremely loud music, preferably rap

Aaron: A yo man lets go cruise around Beatin up da Block!
Joel: 4 sho!

by J_A September 30, 2006

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