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Squealing a beefer

An unusually large shit, that is normally paired with dehydration, but can often follow chinese food and pizza. Usually involves alcohol, but can be linked to various ethnic foods.

I am squealing a beefer right now, and it stinks.

by rheadorange January 14, 2010

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brian beefer

A homosexual male named Brian who creates beef. I wouldn't mess with one they're known to rape at times. They're most common in big cities and in the Bronx

Hey man watch out there's a Brian Beefer over there!

by Josephcranberfy April 29, 2014

bell beefer

A mythological man unit with a girth that exceeds its length

A bell beefer is a penis that resembles a tuna can or hockey puck.

by David Amundson October 20, 2007

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looking rank after a particularly heavy night out, look often lasts a whole day.

jen must have had a good night last night, she's looked beefin All day!

by jess October 19, 2003

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Bell Beefer

a bell beefer is a slow, low frequency fart

Bell Beefer is like hitting a low note on a tuba in a mexican band

by 2tonjackperiwinkle February 24, 2011

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bell beefer

A noticeable mistake in a passage of music.

Johnny hit a real bell beefer on the second chorus of "Sweet Home Alabama."

by Rusty Chops May 20, 2015

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squeaky beefer

When you fart so hard it makes a high pitch squeak as you fill you pants with a beefy log.

Tim had to go change after letting out a squeaky beefer.

by Longfur September 10, 2021