Source Code

from behind

Fuck a girl in her pussy from behind

I fucked this girl last nite from behind.

by Anonymous May 3, 2003

132👍 56👎

months behind

It describes a guild in world of warcraft thats means scrubs, and are spammers of all types. They like to ninja everything in every dungeon or raid and are a bunch of 12 year olds that have nothing better to do with there time but bug everyone in trade chat. If they had a gun made in world of warcraft that could shoot them all it would be good thing.

Months behind are a bunch of scrubs

by iamdeadmjg April 13, 2009

43👍 16👎

The Leave Behind

When someone "casually" leaves an object or article of clothing in the home of a person they have just randomly slept with - thereby ensuring that they have an excuse to see this person again.

"Do you have everything, Doll? No Leave Behinds now - that was just a one-night stand."

by mercedesdelmar August 8, 2005

36👍 13👎

Behind the Stick

To tend bar; to be working as a bartender in an establishment.

Cliff: "Is Sam bartending tonight?"

Norm: "Nope. Tonight Woody is behind the stick."

by Mdamascus February 15, 2012

11👍 2👎

High Behind

An urban saying usually referring to an expensive establishment or item.

I ain't buyin' no salad from that high behind restaurant!

by jaqueemzzzz January 24, 2011

13👍 3👎

Not Behind Paul

A specific term primarily used immediately after shotgun is called in order to guarantee that the declarer will not be seated behind Paul in the car. It is better to ride bitch than to ride behind Paul(driver). See also, not bitch

Bif: Shotgun
John: Not Behind Paul!
Scott: Bitch!
Jason: Damnit... Oh and I'm gay too.

by Tom's Mom January 2, 2006

14👍 4👎

Behind The Meme

This innocent guy simply likes to explain the origins of memes. His channel is really repetitive, but he doesn’t deserve all the hate he gets. Normies (who don’t know that they’re the actual normies, yes I mean the people who look at memes all day) claim that’s hes basically worse than the devil, because they’re immature and can’t live without their precious memes. How pathetic. People think he kills memes but I’ve never seen any proof of that. He even got doxxed once, shows how pathetic these “anti-normies” as I like to call them are.

Bob: Behind The Meme kills memes, he deserves the death sentence

David: Shut he fuck up, you’re pathetic, memes are your life ya loser.

by IIASCII May 1, 2018

68👍 32👎