Source Code

Beiber Bomb

When a girl is a perfect ten, she's beautiful, smart, has a nice body and curves in all the right places, but she drops the bomb and tells you she likes Justin Beiber. An honest let down for the now almost perfect woman.

Yeah man, I was talking to this fine ass girl in the club and then she dropped the beiber bomb. I dunno...maybe I should move on.

by SGleader January 30, 2011

Justin Beiber

The definition of horrible rapping. Can sing because he ain't no gangster. Says shorty way too much, when he is the skinniest kid Ive ever seen. Has deusional fans who dont know the definition of good music or cute boys. He should get into love ballads.

That kid sings like Justin Beiber

by No like justin beiber July 29, 2009

6172๐Ÿ‘ 2108๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Beiber

Gay of the gays. a little canadian buttercup who sounds like he's constipated when he signs. Also, he doesn't want anything to do with Meagan Watson, due to her obsessive nature over his 4 year old ball sack.

"Justin Beiber reminds me of a dying giraffe when he sings"

"Meagan Watson wants Justin Beiber's babies, only Justin Beiber is a baby himself."

by Sunshine647 October 6, 2009

4478๐Ÿ‘ 1650๐Ÿ‘Ž

The beiber effect

When a 12-25 year old famos band boy starts getting millions of usually 12-16 girl die hard fans
the only possible good thing about this is getting their girlfriend concert tikets so they might bang them
every girl wants him
every boy dispises him
all competing rappers want him shot


guy1: the hell is thier problem?
guy2: the beiber effect
guy1: damn it

rapper: he needs to get shot

by anonymous595872986526 April 24, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beiber Fag

Someone who posts obnoxious Tweets about how much they love Justin Beiber. They talk about him 24/7 and he doesn't even notice them. Oh yeah, and he's not really a guy, so that's why you're a fag if you post abut Justin Beiber.

Twilight Chick: " Did you hear Justin Beiber's new song 'Baby' OMG! It's to die for! I talk to him every day."
Cool Dude: "Oh you're just Beiber Fag. I don't need you."

by JohnDidThat July 8, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beiber Rolled

While watching TV, playing DDR, surfing the internet or anything else, you see/hear Justin Beiber!

Basically the same thing with being Rick Rolled, but with a less manlier voice.

"Dude are you okay?"
"I don't know, I just got Beiber Rolled."

by Chibbols April 26, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Beiber

An insult to all gays of the world. A little twit who needs to be slapped by God and Hitler. This bitch will NEVER be able to sing in his life. The kid is 16 and sounds worse then a dying chipmunk.

Alvin: Hey guys we have a new member!
Chipmunks: Who?
Alvin: Justin Beiber!
*Justin sings*
*chipmunks die from high pitch and bad lyrics*
Justin: Damn

by xXZombie RDXx February 25, 2011

495๐Ÿ‘ 204๐Ÿ‘Ž