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bilge hole

the Bilde Hole is the untossable salad.

"What up with your bilge hole? Don't you wipe?!?"

by Rick James February 21, 2004

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Bilge rat

Someone who doesn’t own a boat or has no intention of ever owning a boat but enjoys fishing and will do anything to go out in his friends or acquaintance’s boats.

Jordan is a real bilge rat.

by Barracod May 20, 2019

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mary j. bilge

Very dirty bong water, much like that of bilgewater in a ship

Toby refuses to replace the Mary J. Bilge in his bong because he considers it wasteful.

by FreestyleScientist December 23, 2022

Norwegian Bilge Pump

Essentially an upper-decker, reverse blumpkin.

She's sitting up on the tank dropping off the goods, he's sitting backwards on the seat munching her beaver.

My girlfriend was so pissed that I banged her friend that she made me give her a Norwegian Bilge Pump in her friends bathroom to get back at both of us.

by WTMFN January 17, 2016

Alabama Bilge Pump

When your boat has a leak in it so you proceed to shove your penis inside the hole, drink the water remaining in the boat, and piss out what you have drank.

Mate: shit bruv we sinking
You: fack mate we sinkin'
Mate: give er the Alabama Bilge Pump eh

by Harvey HugeCock June 16, 2021

Binge Drinking Bilge Off

When any number of a group of guys go out to a frat to specifically try and hook up with as many girls as possible. The rules are a dumpster bitch counts as 1 point and a hot girl counts as 2. Knowingly hooking up with a girl that has hooked up with another member of the competition is 3 points. please visit the wikipedia page for a further and in depth description

Binge Drinking Bilge Off
Hey look, theres an ugly girl, if i hook up with her thats a point. sweet.
Hey look, theres a hot girl, thats two points.

by 13AW February 25, 2011

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When you load a snus pouch in your foreskin or butthole

Bro, I switched to bilging and I started to get a buzz again. I’m never going back

by Dinkadink April 9, 2024