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Branch Covidian

The far left zealots that believe everyone should worship a disease and give up their life in fear of it. The kind of people that approve of locking people in their homes and taking away freedoms.

Look at those crazy Branch Covidians trying to cancel Thanksgiving!

by wandering healer November 13, 2020

2338๐Ÿ‘ 213๐Ÿ‘Ž

executive branch

Very strong marijuana. Top notch stuff. Best of the best.

Man I'm really high off that executive branch bro

by Big Sofa April 30, 2011

94๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blaze a branch

to smoke marijuana.

Ey lets freeway out of here and go lay back and blaze a branch, son.

by NRidiculous June 25, 2009

Corona branch

A bro or homie that is close. Someone you relied on during the covid19 pandemic.

Person1: Hey Branch, how are you doing?
Person2: Good, I'm thankful I have my corona branch.

by Branchsquad January 16, 2021

Brona Branch

A bro that you survived the covid19 pandemic with.

P1"Thank God we survived the pandemic."
P2"Your my brona branch"

by Branchsquad January 16, 2021

Hallelujah Branch

Your bro or homie that you got to church with. Someone you are thankful for.

P1"I'm so thankful for you, branch"
P2"Your my Hallelujah Branch"
P1"Ready for church on sunday?"

by Branchsquad January 16, 2021

michelle branch

an awesome singer/songwriter/musician who kicks butt,is married,and can kick lindsay lohan's butt anytime.

awesome singer songwriter musician

by Michelle Luver March 3, 2005

104๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž