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A modifying noun/adjective used for meat-head jocks
โ€ขa brock usually has a super lean, buff-ish type of body mass due to the fact the only thing they do besides play meat heat sports,aka, football and hit on girls...is work out

Wow, all he does is workout and drink Wheatgrass flavored gatorade...what a brock

by Spokken May 29, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


In simplest terms Brock means "swag"

"Hey did you hear the new One Direction album? It's so Brock!!" ๏ธ"Wow you look so Brock in those new shoes"

by LukenessMonster November 10, 2014

15๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fucking savage that is good at sex and loves his girlfriend. He usually has a big hairy dick. He always gives to others and is usually rich and has many girlfriends.

Damn Brock is a fucking savage, did you here that he gave a homeless guy a million dollars.

by Gary winthorb October 4, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


An irreversibly greatly flawed discard thrown away from the creator accidentally becomes alive.
Biologically entitled to be a man yet is in literature an object/tool/muff douche/muff cabbage.
Its immediate presence redefines 2 distinctive human nature into 3: good and evil... and retarded.
Constantly pisses anyone with functional CAHONE off, to no end, by claiming it's a man.

Physically resembles Goofie up to 90 %, with "exceptionally large feet" quoted by Goofie though.
It also differs from Goofie by the following facts:
- Goffie doesn't go around to tell peeps he makes $23/hour (actually $22 after rounding),
- Goofie doesn't repeatedly claims he has a New York City down there and,
- Goofie doesn't stress about how often he gets numbers from horny phat people.
- Not scientifically proven but it is well believed that it can fly with Dumbo in the rainbowy sky with its feet in paddling motion.

Mentally resembles a princess.
-Her royal highness gets mental vortex when a open driveway spot is taken.
-Her royal highness gets mental catastrophe when people say they believe in common sense.
-Her royal highness weeps in relatively high pitch when one tells her not to slam the door.
-Her royal highness gets a major migrant, ironically, when one tells her to relax.
-The migrant suddenly disappears when a phat person comes over and gives her a phone number.

A: "I think it is important to have some common sense..."
B: "Dude, there is no such a thing as a common sense, my boss told me that"
A: "...you must be Brock."

by flyingfatcat November 17, 2013

43๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


A huge jerk. Usually he has floofy hair.

Girl 1- Oh he's so nice!
Girl 2- No he's so Brock

by NarniaPotato June 2, 2016

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


He is one of the coolest guys! he's always up for a good time! he's sexy with abs and he is not shy to talk to girls espically Jorja! he's a ladies man alright. loves the attention and loves getting nudes! PS he has a big dick :-

Brock is a ladies man

by Sainty09 June 5, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Brocks are usually monkey ass niggers. Usually from Canada or the U.K bricks are known to be massive coins, and have a propensity towed mute women (that are usually married) or be gay

I used to know a Brock he was dumping for a mute girl.

by Ultimate Nigger Evicerator November 8, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž