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browsing position

the position you are in usually while browsing the internet (usually tumblr or dank memes)

dan howell's browsing position is often portrayed as slouching on the couch with a double chin and scrolling.

by shutupproduction May 15, 2016

browse the brochure

looking through the options to see if it’s time to take the easy way out; deciding whether or not to Kermit

This year has been so tough—I had to browse the brochure a few times.

Brady’s been looking real gloom since his breakup—are you sure he hasn’t started browsing the brochure?”

by carbonmonoxide January 9, 2023

Bed Browsing

Similar to Web Browsing, but done from the comfort of your bed.

What you up to?

'Just doing a spot of bed browsing'

by Walters13 August 24, 2012

923👍 488👎

decoy browsing

browsing innocent items whilst eyeing up what your actually in the shop for.

a tactic employed by those wishing to 1) buy something embarrassing
or 2) shoplift

1) simmo went into the corner shop for his latest issue of zoo but decided to decoy browse the fishing mags until his auntie stella left the shop

2) whilst decoy browsing the soft drinks, Emma carefully slipped cans of lager into her handbag

by Lloydski5000 September 13, 2007

7👍 2👎

'Browse the Hig'

To join the same network as another Facebook user to get a better look at their profile.

"Why are you in the Toronto network now Ivan?"

"I just wanted to browse the Hig" (Higino: a recently added irritant to a Facebook group)

Therefore: 'Browse the Hig'

by Great-Aunt of Sohm-Yung Ho 🦉 February 4, 2009

14👍 6👎

brain browsing

Getting lost in thought.

In math class, I was brain browsing about the weekend.

by Vivian Darkbloom 2012 March 10, 2014

T Browsing

Text messaging

Who are you t browsing?

by jbjdawg21 June 29, 2009