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A super tall, super sexy guy that will use poetry and flattery to get a girls trust.
Famous for ghosting girls after they fall in love with him.

Oh my god, i can't believe I fell for a Byron again.

Watch out girl,I've heard he's a Byron.

by Stunningshoulder November 3, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Some dumb ass broke ass nigga, who cant afford to buy anything. then he cant go anywere because his dumb ass got no dam ride. He usally wears the same clothes at school. Such as the byron starter pack includingpolo shirt,blue jeans,and low top lebrons. He is also hella gay with his friend david and he usally fucks his pianos.

Byron fucks his pianos on a daily

by davidthecat August 12, 2018

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He might seem like a great guy but don’t let his sweet talk or good actions fool you he just wants to get you in bed and then leave. He just wants to use you for your body

β€œDamn I just got played by Byron”

β€œByron got me in bed and I haven’t heard of him since”

by Yogirlstrawberry May 3, 2019

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An uneducated cunt

He is such a byron

by The guy in your bath April 8, 2017

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A guy who thinks he is straight but in reality everybody thinks he is a queer

Typically originates from Greece

Guy: I think Byron's Gay

Byron: Am not you stupid butthole

*Byron appears behind him and starts boning him*

Byron: "I'm not gay!"

by yeetamusthefetamus April 29, 2019

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A very annoying person often described as a dick allthough some people may call them a asshole


by Not By Sophie September 12, 2019

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A term used to describe a gay male. Both common definitions of gay may apply.

I have a friend named Byron who really lives up to his name. Why, the other day, I walked in on him kissing his boyfriend, Andres. They smiled gaily at each other afterward.

by Becauseilikerainbows May 10, 2009

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