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Camron is a girl who stays to her self but when getting to know her she goes all out . She’s very athletic and artistic. She has brown eyes, dark hair, and olive skin . She gets hurt a lot for being so loving and caring to everyone but never gets love back. She a petty person who will always stick up for her friends and give them advice for anything they need.

Camron looks so good today .

by electrablanche November 28, 2018

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A teenager who gets no Bitches. I mean like 0. No play at all.

Look at Camron, he probably watches Evangelion

by Hedgeworth March 20, 2022

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A gay ass nigga that got nut on his glasses from a nigga name gayrome. He’llsuck Any nigga up for free. He’s ass at every single video game and can’t dress for shit, he dresses like a white boy. Fuck camron and he’s a fruity gay no hoe pulling nigga that can’t bam.

Camron is basically someone that can’t dress and annoys people.

by Savage 28 September 29, 2019

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Camron is a lovely guy, isn’t the best at video games. He is a dingus but everyone loves him. He loves girls named jacklyn bc he finds them truly amazing. Camron is a cold hearted but cares for his friends and will do anything for them.

Wow he is such a Camron.

by jgjg2004 February 4, 2019

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Cam is a bitchy whiny asshole usually has the biggest titties and forehead

You camron

by Bigdaddy669 October 24, 2018

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a very sensitive guy but can have a temper camron is loving charming and makes a good boyfriend cam is very nice loving caring sweet and has many friends camron may get into trouble but he has a way of getting out of it so if you know a camron stay friends with him for as long as possible because he might just be the best friend you ever know

omg camron is so hot i wish he was my boyfriend

by dominik loomis October 21, 2020


i mean where do you start with a camron he is amazing he will always have your back no matter what he is the bestest friend you will ever have and will have so so much love for his girlfriend and for sure don’t take no shit you just kinda have to like him and if you don’t you are just a fag if you if you don’t like him and every girl likes him and no matter what he more and likely has a girlfriend.

girl: camron is so hot

girl 2: i know we should call him

by j@(0:0 December 2, 2019

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