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chan chan

A primal korean scream generally shouted both preceeding and during sexual intercourse. This squeal of excitement, usually precedes the traditional zimbabwaen ritual of giving a simba, in which the male uses their index finger to wipe man juice on the girls forehead whilst saying the word "Simba" repeatedly. The scream itself is usually shouted in an intolerably high pitched voice alongside other extremely annoying phrases such as "I heart you". After intercourse involving the "chan chan chant", the female participant often doesnt emerge the next day until late evening, however usually enters the public domain aglow. Once the male participant recieves the "chan chan chant" he can safely acknowledge his status within the lion-kingdom, and is only required to take the female to the occasional meal-out in order to acquire daily, if not twice-daily, sex.

"Oh chan chan, give me that simba!!"

"I heart you chan chan!!"

by Fat Sarah May 5, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used in japanese language, after a person's name, often used to represent friendship or affection.

My recommendation is that you use it, sparingly, with a person of the opposite gender which you are attracted to, or already dating (for example). It should be used sparingly because he/she may not get it and may ensue egopatriotic attitudes against you for your multicultural behavior.

"*hugs* Lita-chan! ^.^"

by Dave January 15, 2004

186๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


An inimitable man who may steal your heart. He has a passion for living and loving. This man makes an effort to improve himself. He is outgoing but also very private. He has a childlike way about him, learning and enjoying every moment. A channing is likely to be a man who seeks adventure and inspiration.

He loves music and listens to bluegrass and really knows how to dance :)

A man that if you fall in love with him, your heart will be forever his, even if your mind and body are forced to move on. A channing is kind and helpful and means no harm in his heartbreaks.

If you have the chance to be with one take it, it will be worth potential broken heart.

A trip backpacking through africa would be so channing

A man who loves with his heart and soul

by smash82 January 21, 2011

428๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž


Japanese term of endearment. Normally used for a female, exceptions are often made for young children. Usually used with a first name. Sometimes used between people who are dating.

Hoshiko-chan, ogenki desu ka? (Hoshiko, are you well/how are you?)

by Bean-chan July 14, 2006

94๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very cute boy who is really fun to be around. he sometimes acts like a five year old, but he probably treats girls the right way. as a very mature young man, he is talented in many areas. he is gifted and extremely loveable. this boy would have to be the highlight of every party.

I wish I could find a channing.

by gottabeme April 17, 2009

584๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž


Born on 15 February 1989, a~chan is one of the 3 members of a very famous J-pop group "Perfume"
She's very talkative and holds a good sense of humour...

a~chan is my favorite member...

by DEADLY-K2001 October 27, 2018


"chan," usually used in the plural as "chans," can refer to the large array of English-language websites that were inspired by the japanese imageboard 2channel. The largest and most influential of the "chans" is the popular website 4chan, although there are many other similar websites such as 7chan, 420chan, wakachan, iichan, not4chan, gurochan, fchan, sidechan, renchan, and so on and so on.

Their characteristic features are anonymous posting, content being quickly deleted once it becomes old, "sage"-ing, and an idiosyncratic and strange culture.

"Yeah, I browse the chans a lot...4chan mostly, but gurochan when I need some fapping material."

by einhorn303 January 14, 2007

465๐Ÿ‘ 242๐Ÿ‘Ž