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condescending dick


so glad im not condescending dick

by loladadsadadasdasdada October 29, 2021

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condescending twat

Something that a young, handsome, tall, muscly young chap is commonly referred to by and an equally liked female in order to prove a point

Shana "you're such a condescending twat"
Joe "why thankyou"

by ManiaMoron December 12, 2014

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Condescending Smiley Face

Condescending Smiley Face - When someone uses a smiley-face in an obviously heated text-based argument in an attempt to seem 'better' or 'above' the other person.

e.g. of a Condescending Smiley Face: The context is an argument on youtube over something stupid. "If you'd actually read the date though you'd realise you're wrong :)"

by AcidCH July 5, 2013

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Condescending lol/lmao

The act of explaining something to someone, but adding a lol at the end, to make the other person feel bad, even they are in the right. This can also be a lmao, or even an XD, (however; the latter is much more cringy, and is more often used by furries)

Person A: How many turnips do I need to buy from Daisy Mae to get bamboo shoots, in animal crossing?

Person B: You don't buy them lol. You get them on a mystery island tour.

Person A: ...But I watched someone get them in the mail, from Daisy Mae, live... And that's much more reliable than hoping to get a bamboo island.

Person B: Whatever. You probably dreamt it up lmao.

Person A: There are articles that even explain it, but they don't say how many you need. You don't need to add the condescending lol/lmao when you're wrong.

by NickPikk April 19, 2020

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condescending ass bitch

someone who has the audacity to do the type of shit that people would beat her fucking ass for then acts like everyone doesn't tell her that and continues to act uppity and tells you that you're wrong. this person will do sooooo much annoying shit to you and 9/10 they live in a house with you. don't worry they're aren't really doing that well in anything really. sometimes she'll even be a fake ass bitch in public to and act like she doesn't do the shit that she does. and she'll lie so you better have your facts straight when you're telling a story.

*steals some shit from you then you find out but don't say shit then does some other stuid shit and whe you do something you have this convo* "why did you ________" "well you're always doing ______ to me" *and in your head you're thinking, "biiiiiiitch you did not just say that shit"*
"you are such a condescending ass bitch get the fuck up outta my face"

by imonlyonherewhenimannoyed January 25, 2016

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Condescending Fuck Hole

A person usually who is annoying, fucking stupid and has a extremly small penis.

MAria-That Guy was drunk and crazy last night.

jake-What a Condescending Fuck Hole.

by Rich5500 March 4, 2011

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condescending, self-regarding, celebrity-in-the-making musician act

An extremely annoying but relatively common theatrical routine performed by certain types of local hipster musicians that seems to come easily, requiring little rehearsal in advance. While all creative people are understandably prone to a certain degree of self-absorption, these individuals are forever engaged in obnoxious self-promotion campaigns, celebrating their musical endeavors in a manner designed to give the impression that they are infinitely more successful, talented, and adored than the everyday, basically unknown โ€œartist.โ€ Recurring themes include: stating that they couldโ€”but wonโ€™tโ€”drop names (and then dropping them), backhandedly complimenting your own efforts (with a smirk), and offering to do everyone a favor by playing their latest โ€œdemoโ€ at parties. As with all such routines, the โ€˜condescending, self-regarding, celebrity-in-the-making musician actโ€™ is nothing more than a sad attempt at obscuring the truth (which is that they have cushy but unfulfilling day jobs), as well as an opportunity to wear those gay fedoras.

Dude #1: Are you going to Dan's tonight?

Dude #2: Iโ€™ll pass. I need a break from his condescending, self-regarding, celebrity-in-the-making musician act.

by Look at me! I'm a vegan! Yay! May 7, 2011

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