Source Code

Conquering the World

Selecting a timeframe in which you and your "wingmen" try to sleep w/ as many different women from as many different countries and ethnicities as possible. Each time you sleep w/ a new nationality, you have conquered that country. If the girl is not officially from the country being conquered and it's just part of her heritage, you must incorporate a physical item from that country in the act of sex to make it official (i.e. Ireland and Lucky Charms, France and wine, Canada and maple syrup, etc).

Hollywood, this is Iceman.....we need to become conquistadors for the summer and begin conquering the world one vagina at a time

by Benny Biceps May 29, 2008

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Conquer of Cum

Somebody who doesn't get tired after cumming
This doesnt mean they wont get tired no matter what just that most of the time they can go again or go back to normal (example : if they dont get enough air under the sheets they will still be tired cause they barley had any energy)
This isnt a position but a title (so more than 1 person can be one at a time)

Person 1 : yo have you heard about micheal?
Person 2 : what about him
P1 : according to his gf he doesnt get tired after cumming
P2 : hes a conquer of cum

by YourAverageDisappointment April 3, 2022

Divide and Conquer

When a chick plays hard to get in the bedroom, so the dude/other chick has to fight to divide the legs, thus conquering funkytown.

Man Ashley, I haven't played Divide and Conquer for a whole two hours. I'm bout to conquer that action like Cortez and the Aztecs.

by Lazy Skank February 14, 2009

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divide and conquer

When a chicks breasts are spread by a strap.

Sitting in a car with a seat belt or walking down the street with a purse strap between her breasts. Look at that divide and conquer. Those are gonna slap her in the face.

by Deboe June 5, 2006

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Conquer Poland

In Wexford,Ireland the term to "conquer poland" does not have anything to do with nazis or world war two,but in fact is a teenage's boys reference to 'score' girls.For example,a boy is particularly nervous before he first conquers poland and usually requires encouragement from his friends,or ''espirit des corps" and it is customary to take a 'parachute' for "safe landing" i.e. wearing a condom to protect onself from the possibility of pregnancy or stds.

"hey man,did you conquer poland last night after?"
"yeah man,at long last!I blitzkrieged her out of it!"
"brilliant,see I told you she just needed time.You did pack a parachute though?"
"of course,I couldnt let the troops flow free."
"wise choice,man"
"thaks for all the espirit des corps,by the way"
"no problem man,you have to look out for your fellow soldier,you know what I mean?"

by Wezsez April 17, 2008

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scrotum conquers

playing conquers with the scrotum until ones sac is so sore they give up oruntil it falls off.

phil has no balls after he lost to jennings

by masterofrpg March 12, 2004

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conquer bonk

to achieve a conquer bonk: during the reception of fellatio, close to orgasm. one must strike the fellatist bluntly on the top of the skull, resulting in a quick pleasurable intake of air, a noise something like "shllllpbfffffffffft- gah!", and hopefully no biting.

i conquer bonked your mother last night.

by steve scuber November 5, 2006

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