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Trump supporter: meaning bland, tastless, easily broken and brittle, copycats of people that look and act no different from one another, and happly kept in the dark.

I was in a Fox News forum and all you see is a bunch of CornFlakes complaining, lying, and making excuses for a person that's not fit to be PRESIDENT.

by TruthBtold17 July 27, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A semi-rigid scab-like crust of nasal mucosa that is carefully dislodged from one's nose in a lateral plane in order to maximize the square area without disruption to the integrity of the piece. May contain hairs (curb-feeler cornflake) and sometimes dried blood (strawberry cornflake) or both (strawberry curb-feeler cornflake).

When Marty saw Jenny trying to improperly dislodge a massive strawberry curb-feeler cornflake, he beat her until she became incontinent. Once Jenny was unconscious, Marty meticulously excised the prize and claimed it as his own.

by Aaaaal July 19, 2005

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Dickhead that really pisses you off in a sporting and or educational activity

"You Fucking Cornflake get off the field dick head"

by Error_402 July 18, 2017

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a dried snot wisp that resembles a flake of breakfast cereal, not quite as bulky as a crouton.

hey girl, wanna kleenex, you need to send that cornflake back to kellogg's.

by Leysie December 27, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of one person poking Cornflakes up the butt of another.

Guy #1- "Hey, Mark, how was your anniversary?"

Guy #2- "It was uneventful for the most part; Beth and I just spent the better part of the night Cornflaking."

Guy#1- "Dude, that's disgusting."

Guy#2- "Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, Jeremy."

by Letzd32 January 17, 2011

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pieces of crap that remain in your nether regions as result of improper wiping.

II wouldnt touch her with your junk, shes so dirty i bet shes got cornflakes.

by j-ello July 20, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used to describe extremist conservatives that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn't exactly match their own. These individuals think that everyone should be uniform, plain, and boring like cornflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.

"Look, it's a man kissing another man! Jesus would not approve!"
"Someone get the cornflake out of here, please"

by Gordo23 September 19, 2018

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