Source Code

spreading the cream cheese

When during intercourse, the male places a bagel around his shaft, and during his orgasm, he ejaculates on the bagel then forces his partner eat it.

Robert Tumbusch likes spreading the cream cheese

by Tarek_the_Destroyer October 25, 2010

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Bagel with cream cheese

5 or more men cum on a bagel. The last person to cum has to eat it.

Bobby:"I can't believe I had to eat the bagel with cream cheese."

Max:"It's all in the practice."

by BURR!2 April 22, 2011

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Cream Cheese Sneeze

When you go down on a guy and he hasn't cum in a while and he cums so much that it comes out of your nose.

Oh God I went down on my boyfriend and he gave me a Cream Cheese Sneeze. It kinda hurt.

by aaroncopland June 30, 2012

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Cream Cheese Fingers

When you finger someone’s pussy and the cum is thick, white and all over your fingers. Sometimes it can smell cheesy.

Bobby: I fingered Meghan yesterday and I made her so horny that I got cream cheese fingers
Billy: That’s awesome did you eat it with lox

by Osama 69/11 December 16, 2018

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Susie Cream Cheese

Any white girl particully from the suburbs in which her mom and dad want her to marry rich.

His CEO father wants him to marry a fresh susie cream cheese not an used trailer park trash girl.

by Ms. Thing March 31, 2006

25πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Arabic Cream Cheese

The subtance produced when a raghead fucks his goat in the ass and pussy. (AKA goat truffle butter)

Did you see al-keed spread his arabic cream cheese, that shit nasty

by Italgansta January 20, 2017

Cream cheese disease

A very very bad yeast infection and the discharge that comes from it

That Brod had vicious cream cheese disease

by Sickfucksanders December 12, 2018