Source Code


A term by people who speak JC. Was the first word created, along with Pipsy.

1)A fat person
2)Brian Gullekson

1)Maria, I'm telling you, that boss of yours may be the best looking man in the entire office, but man does he loathe me when I call him a Cubbie!
2)Hey Cubbie!

by Shemeth April 4, 2004

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Tony Almeida's mug in 24, survived the bomb blast in season 2 even though about 20 odd people didnt! has been used in the past for an overweight tony to drink none other than beer out of whilst watching obscure south american football on TV

"My god, i cant believe cubby survived the bomb blast!"
"Beer wont taste all that great in Cubby"
Almeida - "I love Cubby"
Mouse - "What is that UBS mug tony is drinkin out of dude?"
Bridgy - "Dude, that says Cubs! its name is Cubby!, u tool".

by Bridgy February 24, 2006

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An Idiot of massive proportions.

There once was a town idiot who thought he was smart. We called him Cubbie.

by Human Conscience April 21, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


cutest dog 3v3r,

big ball of fluffy

cubby is soooooo cute, i want to take her home

by Co0L3$7 K!D October 6, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


the best drummer ever, not too mention he is quite attractive.

All men, women, children, and filthy whores will know the name of Cubby when he gets a record deal.

by cubby fan January 20, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

rubby cubby

The female version of a male "spank bank", in which graphic images are stored for recollection in a time of need for touching oneself.

Vanessa observed the strapping men sensually pressing their beards together and swiftly committed the arousing scene to her rubby cubby.

by Sm1ggy June 14, 2014

love cubby

slang for a female's vagina

I stuck my penis in her love cubby.

by MCKREWGA September 14, 2003