Source Code

cunt nigger bag

Used to describe someone who just griefed you in minecraft

Wow kyle! You are such a cunt nigger bag

by ur mom hahahahahahahhaha lole May 22, 2019

8👍 6👎

Tunnel Cunted Whore Bag

VERY loose women, easy, slut.

Usually used by women about other women
( Behind their back's Naturally! )

Betty: I reckon that bitch Tammy would take on a football team!

Emma: That's because she's a Tunnel Cunted Whore Bag!

by Bourbydol April 23, 2006

15👍 13👎

Douche Bag Cunt

1)A Bitchy Vagina Cleaner
2)good word to use when your shitfaced

Shutup, you fucking douche bag cunt

by Toadz August 27, 2006

79👍 35👎

You a cunt d bag

Just say this to kids who are cunts

You a cunt d bag bitch.

by ThonkDonkSTONKS July 18, 2019

1👍 2👎

stupid fucking slutfaced whore-bag cunt.

A very naughty insult.

Shut up you stupid fucking slutfaced whore-bag cunt!

by Anonymous April 18, 2003

44👍 25👎

Cunt bag

It's a bag for cunts

Bro my cunt is so out of line.... dude just get a cunt bag

by Ooga booga black nigga balls June 21, 2020