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To crash into something or to get hit unexpectedly by a worthless driver while in a vehicle resulting in pain damage or worse

while me and my friends were on the way to some whores house to take her to the boneyard some bitch who looked like cruella deville in a wild thornberrys looking van cut me off and i almost daled into the back of her van

by Louis Chatmon May 29, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man of 0 emotions

Person 1: I saw a Dale the other day
Person 2: I know he had the same face as he did during prom, and the same face as he did during the ap test

by HCHSkid May 7, 2012

69๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Dale is probably one of the greatest drinks ever invented consisting of any kind of cola if your lookin at a dam good time use jolt cola a little grenadine and vodka mix that shit up and you'll be drinkin like a champ cuz this is all that the late and great dale drank R.I.P. every glass poured up is detecated to Him.

origin-Northern California

Hey Asshole get me a Dale

by Southrn Messiah May 13, 2008

89๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really beautiful woman, yes, woman. Let's not forget there are female Dales out there too and most of them are really hot. Slim with wavy brown hair and dark blue eyes that look like something out of a Japanese cartoon, a Dale can attract any man or woman she wants. Sometimes Dales are lipstick lesbians but most are bisexual or at least bi-curious. If a guy hooks up with a Dale he will probably find she is very wild in bed, and females will find she is an amazing cunniliguist. She does things with her tongue that are unbelievable.
Dales are very intelligent too and are usually talented in music, language or art, on any combination of these. Usually dress very preppy, but when drunk sometimes don't even need a reason to take the clothes off. If you know a Dale, you are very lucky :)

Guy 1: OMG she is freaking GORGEOUS. Look at those eyes, she looks like something from an anime.. Who IS that?!
Guy 2: She's hot I guess, but she looks like one of those

hipster chicks in the "Being a Dickhead's Cool" video
Guy 1: But if she took the clothes off..
Guy 2: Oh god... *jizz in pants*
Guy 3: Oh for heavens sake! Hey, you with the guitar case!
Dale: *turns round and flashes them the most gorgeous smile imaginable* uhuh?
Guy 3: What's your name?
Dale: No hablo ingles! lol jk just practising my Spanish.. I speak 6 languages you know! Anyway I'm Dale :)
All guys: *look at each other silently agreeing who gets to try to take her home first*

Example 2:
*2 bisexual/gay girls speaking*
Girl 1: Who is she?
Girl 2: That's Dale.
Girl 1: She's so gorgeous, I don't know whether to love her or hate her..
Girl 2: Love her.. I did. She gave me 4 orgasms in a row.
Girl 1: She's gay??
Girl 2: She's bisexu... hey where'd you go??

by kirstenbaby. February 8, 2011

63๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


another word for a very agressive gay man

Wow, look at the guy across the road.
he is so dale!

by BOOOOOM January 4, 2008

193๐Ÿ‘ 306๐Ÿ‘Ž


A large uncontrollable bowl-movement that must be taken at "home-base".

ex. I got to take a dale!

by jason dale March 13, 2005

133๐Ÿ‘ 206๐Ÿ‘Ž


What Pitbull says in his raps 'cause he got no word to rhyme his bullshits with.

See how ridiculous it sounds

Put it on my life, baby,
I make you feel right, baby
Can't promise tomorrow
But, I promise tonight
Dale (Pitbull says Dalรฉ)

by Dustin Whitelock December 8, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž