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Hide the delorean

Used as a discreet way to ask someone to hide something else from a third party.

A line taken from the film series "Back to the Future." Doc Brown orders Marty McFly to hide a delorean time machine in order to keep it secret from the people of particular time periods.

"Shit man, the parents are home. Quick! Hide the delorean!"

"Shit I spilt beer in her car! Help me hide the delorean!"

"Shit brahh, its the 5 0 brah, hide the delorean!"

"Quick! Hide the time machine!"

by blim0n January 12, 2013

2👍 4👎

Don't Forget To Refuel Your DeLorean

A phrase used in response to someone starting a new thread/conversation/tweet/etc... about a topic/website/video/etc... that was discussed ad nauseum by the rest of the civilized world a number of months/years ago.

The phrase is derived from the Back to the Future trilogy of movies which involved a DeLorean that could travel through time. The plot of the first movie in the trilogy revolves around the main character becoming trapped in the past when he can't refuel the DeLorean.

Moron: The Cake Is A Lie!

Reply: Welcome to two years ago... Don't forget to refuel your DeLorean.

by Etragorn December 24, 2009

Get the FUCK out of my Delorean

A response to a comment that is completely unbelievable and/or ridiculous.

Jose: You know the chick you tried to go home with last night? Well, she sort of ended up at my house instead.

Ryan: Get the FUCK out of my Delorean!!!

by Ryan Hughes April 22, 2008

44👍 9👎


A very kind person and will always make sure the person next to him will smile. They are mostly very handsome and energetic. Typically is very intelligent and a spontaneous individual. And did I say they’re very good looking. All in all you’d want this type of person in your life as a friend, best friend, and would be your best fit for dating!!

Girl: Hey it’s Delorean, he’s the best thing i could ever ask for.

Random: Hey do you guys need a laugh

Random 2: Yeah I could use a laugh
Random: Ok I’m gonna get Delorean

by Thdvsvsh November 18, 2022

Delorean George

When you have a full squad with the boys on GTA Online Heists and one of them dips for the random with the Delorean.

Damn bruh, we had a full squad for some 5v5 scrims on Roblox Basketball, but he went and pulled a Delorean George and dipped on us.

by goodie_jr March 1, 2020

The Mad Delorean

A Disney tv show about an angry time traveler trying to protect a small, green baby

What happens when you fall asleep watching starwars and have a back to the future dream?
The maddelorean (The Mad Delorean)

by The chair January 16, 2021

DeLorean Lag

Extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after a trip across time. Comparable to "jet lag"; this term affects the travelers time arrival in the past/future as opposed to the time zone differential of jet lag.

3:00 PM November 1st, 1885:
Marty:"This is heavy...I'm so tired..."
Doc: "Martyyyy, how on earth could you be tired?"
Marty:"I have DeLorean lag. I left 1955 at 5:00PM and arrived here at 8:00AM"
Doc:"Great Scott!"

by FeFe Stink Pickle January 26, 2014