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High Density Snack Item

A piece of food, most likely a stogy, store bought flapjack. Most commonly eaten amoungst a group of very stoned people.
Due to the fulfilling nature of the High density snack item these are much sought after. Trying to eat one on the sly will usually result in the call of
"High Density Snack Item Alert! Alert!"
Meaning you then have to pass the item on knowing that you may never see it again...

"High Density Snack Item Alert! Alert!"
"awwww... F**k, dude, just a bit.. awww.. nooo.. man, I was eatin that!... Nahh, keep it.."

by GreatBigHippy September 24, 2005

5👍 9👎

Dual Density Dump

A shit log that has two types of shit in the same log. This can range from soft and smooth to hard and with a crsushed together nugget look.

I just took a dual density dump. It started out hard and ended soft!

by JLO70 November 3, 2022

Density Live

A very awesome youtuber/streamer who actually has friends.

Density live is not 'gae'.

by cocksucker3243265 April 22, 2022

Breast Densities

reflects the amount of fibrous and glandular tissue in a woman's breasts compared with the amount of fatty tissue in the breasts

Her Boobs have breast densities

by Cember May 7, 2022


Something to heavy to be sucked up by Kirby

Your opponent is made up of super high density matter

by June 17, 2022


Something to heavy to be sucked up by Kirby

That monster has heavy density

by June 17, 2022


Something to heavy to be sucked up by Kirby

That monster has high density

by Savejimmyneutronandvictorious June 17, 2022