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exactly what most "Jake Paul Haters" think of Jake Paul...A Dickhead some fans or whatever will disagree but we all know the truth...Jake Paul is a Dickhead! <3

Jake Paul Hater 1: "Wow Jake Paul is such a Dickhead"

Jake Paul Hater 2: " I KNOW RIGHT?!!?"

Jake Paul Fan: "No he's not! he just likes to be f- never mind....he is a total Dickhead :T "

*Jake Paul Fan changes into a Jake Paul Hater*

by DatBoiBehindACamera Meh Dudes August 17, 2018


A guy who thinks with his dick.

A guy who thinks that he is better just because he has a dick.

Most rappers are dickheads. All they rap about is sex and female bodies. They feel their dicks exempt them from blame and rules and wrongdoing.

by dgo24 March 17, 2017


A person you think is very annoying and an idiot

person 1: Julian is such a dickhead
Person 2: I know right he was running around the cafeteria like crazy
Person 1: he probably didn't drink his pills today.
Person 2: Probably tho he is a dumb ass anyway

Person 1: to be honest he is an ass hole

by Rashel_bitch_ February 6, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The haircut that, when applied to some domes, leaves the head shaped like a penis.

I asked the girl at Hair Cuttery for a Caesar cut, but left with a Dickhead.

by OG-Unit April 3, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A more accurate word for a "Hipster".

Someone who thinks they are too "original" for anything "main stream" Though usually end up looking exactly the same as every other Dickhead. They are often found hanging around East London, England, usually coming from a small town up north.

Made famous from the youtube song "Being a Dickhead's Cool"

Dickhead: "Yah, I just bought these totally original pair of shoes from a small vintage shop that you would never of heard of, because I'm so amazing and original"

Person: "Oh, that's funny, I saw another dickhead wearing a pair just like that last week"

*Dickhead shoots self from realising they aren't original at all*

by gargantiouscheesey August 1, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rafael Benitez, the Liverpool FC manager

After that abismal draw with Luton, that Dickhead Rafael Benitez has gotta go!

by Berty bastard January 11, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


My brother

Omg Jack your such a dickhead

by Rwarbaddie March 10, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž