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Do What I Want

1.A sentence fragment that displays what a rebel and how cool you are

2.Basically the equivalent of calling yourself a douche

Steve: Hey, that's my ice cream you're eating!
Douche: Do what I want
Steve: You're such a. . .douche
Douche: Do what I want
Steve: You already said that!
Douche:Do What I want. . .yeah

by DanMonkfish December 7, 2009

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Do What Yer Good At

A existential position as a default correction when path uncertainty becomes evident.

So, how's it goin' with the new job search?
>Not so good; at this stage of the game, I've decided that there's limited opportunity to dominate in any given market.

Excellent life lesson: Do What Yer Good At (and just leave it at that).

by YAWA November 14, 2022

Do What The Chinese Do

To do the most logical thing

Person 1: Im so hungry
Person 2: Do What The Chinese Do
Person 1: and what is that ?
Person 2: Have something to eat

by Pringle1403 May 29, 2020

do what you're good at

The world's greatest euphemism for masturbating. Coined by Jeff Foxworthy, of all people.

They give you a plastic cup and a Playboy book, and you take it in the back room and do what you're good at!

by uwg October 15, 2006

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I do what I do

expression explaining that is how they do things and shouldn't be questioned any further

example 1:
person 1- hey why are you always getting into fights when we go out

person 2- hey i do what i do

person 1- ah of course

example 2:

person 1- were you really hitting on that chick last night

person 2- i do what i do

person 1- gotcha

by Eric Kacktastic May 21, 2010

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I do what I waunt

A phrase from the hit show on Comedy Central, South Park. Cartman says it when he is on a talk show and is trying to win a prize for being the most out of control child. Used to express dislike of something or denying something that someone tells you.

Hey Dave. You should be in class now, right?
Wateva! I do what I waunt!

by Marc0662 April 27, 2006

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Do what thou wilt

T'lue'th tao(w) wu'd<>do what thou wilt

Do what thou Wilt

by MineOwedWu's July 16, 2021

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