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Drama - A term people normally use for attention. Every thing since day one has been Drama. Anything that involves speech to action will be a cause of some sort of drama.

Hi, my name is Sandra, and I am drama free. So if ya got any Drama in your life then Don't bring it here.

A made up excuse to avoid other life situations.

A person without any sort of drama isn't a living being at all.

The day that we are born is brought up from the such Term used as Drama.

Unless you are that special to the fact your born in a dungeon and had your tongue cut out which is still some sort of lively hood of traumatized Drama. Then there is no such thing as a Drama free life.

Drama - Meaning from everything we did and done from past, and to the present.

Drama - Once someone opens their mouth and talks.

Drama - Will justify a woman. All the attention she wants comes from the Drama she creates.

Drama - those who talk about living Drama free lives are the worst that cause the Drama.

by Undyingbreed November 3, 2010

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Something that girls love and dudes hate!!!

girl: I love you
dude:ehhh... i don't but we can still be friends?
girl: WHAT?!?!?! i cried over you! i love you and hate you but still love you
dude: OH MY FUCKING GOD im soo tired of this useless drama
girl: I know! i hate drama
dude: You know what, fuck you i hate you i never want to be around you, your so full of shit
girl: AHHH!!!!! I but love you
random person: Get a life!

by jamar loka kgot stodkdos gjorj September 6, 2009

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A dumb girl named sylviana

Oh why you in so much sylviana

What's "sylvianna"
Its drama

by Yasssss._.queen April 2, 2018

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The definition of drama is the Bad Girls Club!!

Oh no she didn't I'm gunna kick her a**!!
Bro Bro I play football Bro Iama do me..
Stop I don't like Drama bitches

by TURRu February 15, 2011

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(draw-ma) n; Faggotry

Person 1: Sorry I can't I have drama

Person 2: Thats really gay man.

by Aliceter May 18, 2010

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When an elephant busts 3 of his own testicles

The Elephant was jerking off so hard he hit his balls. Oh the drama!

by Your Uncle sent u an Emoji: 😘 November 5, 2019


Alexandria Cucuzza is the definition of drama

β€œOmg did u see what Alex posted she’s all about the drama”

by Kickrocksbitch December 5, 2018