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1. proof you don't have to be smart to get into elite schools.

2.worst president ever. controlled by cheney

3. the main reason the rest of the world thinks the US is a bunch of idiots.

1. Dubya went to Andover and Yale. Supposedly two of this countries greatest institutions.

2. "My fellow americans-" *guy throws shoe*

3. think-accent+idiocy+american president= americans are a bunch of idiotic hicks

by Bobby the hammer April 19, 2009

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A teratoma of massive proportions masquerading as a human being, to the detriment of societies across the globe.

Dubya does not care about people.

by Fred Fredenson November 16, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang term for the second most inept president the United States has ever had.

George "Dubya" Bush

Did you know that the stock market dropped again today because Dubya made a speech?

by ElDonaldo February 20, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derogatory slang term for George W(Walker) Bush differentiating the 43rd president from his father George Herbet Walker Bush the 41st president. This is the way people assume people from Texas pronouce the letter "W". Partially the use of Dubya was making fun of the way people from Texas especially George W Bush speak with subtle inference that Texans are slow or dumb. This is a common stereotype for those in the southern states of the Union and has generally plagued presidents from the south from both the Republican and Democrat party.

"Dubya sucks". Or "Dubya for president 2004".

by J.R. Ordwig August 6, 2008

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The nickname of George W. Bush. He screwed up as much as many a President has, but people love blaming him for all their problems because he looks a bit like a monkey and isn't the sharpest knife in the cookie jar. Oddly, much of the United States had the strange notion to re-elect someone they considered to be the bane of their existence. To this day, in spite of their current President failing to help in these troubled times, everybody still spits upon our previous President's name.


Person 2: You made fun of our former President, you must have a lot of experience in politics and economics!

Repeat, with person 2 saying person 1's line and person 3 saying person 2's line. Then 3 to 4, 4 to 5, etc.

by liger03 October 15, 2010

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Also so known as George W. Bush, and 50% of of his campaign. If you happen to be in Crawford, Texas when you say this, George will appear.

Man: "Dubya".
George shows up shouting "VETO!!!!!!!"

by Lily Miera January 29, 2008

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Usually referring to the former 42nd - 43rd U.S President of the United States of America known as George W. Bush. Typically hated by anti Americans and Europeans who are also anti American, W. saved millions of Iraqi people from being oppressed by their dictator Saddam Hussein. When comparing W. with the left wing socialist idiot named Barrack Hussein Obama, the unemployment rate was half of what it was for 2009. W. is also more accomplished than the left wing socialist idiot named Barrack Hussein Obama. W. was governor of Texas twice and comes from an equally successful family who were pro American. Meanwhile, the socialist left wing idiot, and 44th U.S President as well as anti American, Barrack Hussein Obama has roots which are far to the left and are not pro American.

Dubya had an unemployment rate of under 6% while under Obama, the rate is over 10%. That is the worse since another loser Democrat was in office named Carter. He was another loser left wing socialist who was a one term president.

by Marquis D. Canaday November 10, 2009

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