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A thug, but gentleman in some ways. An Oreo,, white on the inside and acts like a black person. Usually loved by many snd hated by none. A guy who amazingly makes a girl fall in love in a heart beat. hugs you from behind. Very sweet,caring and respectful. super hot. cute. handsome. A guy who's been through a lot but manage to keep a smile all day everyday-- THUG. <3

Dusty's a good guy.

by Thug.Life October 8, 2011

54πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


Everything good. Whether you mean perfect, sexy, good, amazing, awesome, beautiful, you name it.

Guy: Damn! That girl is so dusty!

Girl: That guy I was with was so dusty.

"That was such a dusty night...duuuuuusty."

"Yo, that's dusty."

by Hollow-Crown January 7, 2013

48πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž



that shirt is dusty

by Teztoris March 8, 2012

52πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


A man or a woman with an amazing sense of themselves. Someone who gives with thier while heart. Can also be someone who if broken can be someone cold as ice. Dusty is usually someone who will give the shirt off of thier back to anyone in need, but will not feel comfortable asking for help.

Dusty gave Jen her last $10 dollars.

by Mamasbabiesrnofools December 20, 2016

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A Dusty is someone who is fun to be around, and will always make you smile. A Dusty usually has striking eyes and cool hair. He acts like a player, but really just wants one girl who will stick around and be faithful. Everyone wants to be friends with a Dusty, but in reality he only has a few real friends. A Dusty likes being around people so much, he lives in the middle of the big city just so he can see people.

Friend: who you going out with?
Me: Dusty
Friend: Yeah right, he only likes hot girls

by RippedJeans❀ October 15, 2018

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


After a night drinking, smoking and/or partying the feeling of drowsiness and feeling under the weather. Similar to being hungover but not quite fully in a hungover state

I’m not hungover I’m just a bit dusty

by CheekyChunt February 10, 2018


a high ass russian fuck boi who really dont give a shit. he would fucking leave his computer on in a discord call and you would hear him watching hentai on max bass. holy fuck. he would tell his fucking mom to say the n word. jesus christ im not joking. this dude dont take water. this fucking cunt would drink vodka and kvar instead and would always have a shitty ass pc. but really hes a funny friendly dude

Dusty: *autism noises* *autism noises* *autism noises* *autism noises* *autism noises* *autism noises* *autism noises*

Person 2: bruh just fucking get on csgo already...
Dusty: *high as fuck* wHaT?!

by minecraftermangirl69 November 12, 2019

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž