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One of the nicest people you will ever meet. He is smart, good looking, and usually has a dirty mind. He has one of the largest penises known to man kind, but does not brag. His name is normally short for "Elijah" although not always.

"You know that smart, good looking kid Eli?"
"Yeah, he has a giant dick"

by BigethBoi November 17, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


He is an amazing friend you could never do without. He always makes you smile even when your upset, he is very talented when it comes to music (especially drums and guitar) is amazing when it comes to sport, very funny personality, very caring, respects his mates, gives awesome hugs and loves to say bolo

(Eli) (Sporty) (Musical)

by Squares11 October 29, 2013

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Eli is a kind of guy that is the leader of the group. He finds a way to make everyone around him laugh and surrounds himself with his friends. He loves attention and will do anything to get it, but he knows his limits. Eli's are also very good with the ladies, but are too worried to go out and get one. Typically is interested in Video games, and has a lot of small talents. Over all Eli is a great person to hang out with and definitely look to dating him in the future.

"Yo Eli whats up!" "The usual I guess, oh check out this meme I made!"
"Who is that over there?" "Oh him? Thats Eli!" "Damn he's hot!"

by Boibillybob November 27, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who knows how to treat a girl right. He's very loyal despite his past, and when he says he loves you, he really means it.
He may show many or all of the following characteristics/tendencies:
- love Disney songs
- be a bit nerdy (ex.- using three computers at once)
- be obsessed with Jeeps
- like to "build shit"
- be an extremely good cuddler
- like peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
- use expressions such as "OMGWTFBBQ"
- know EVERYONE (if you don't know him, you will meet him eventually)

I love Eli. I'm lucky to have him. He should come take a nap with me.

by 10587654 January 12, 2009

910๐Ÿ‘ 488๐Ÿ‘Ž


A simply misunderstood individual. A person who has bad luck most of the time and ends up getting the blame for people's problems. A person that at times makes bad decisions, but never means any real harm to anyone. An individual who is often under estimated and because of this often questions there own ability because of others doubt. Smarter than he appears and yet not a rocket scientist. A very sensitive person who cares about his family's opinion of him more than anything else. Women don't treat him well when it comes to dating or relationships but then again they don't give him a chance, and when they do date him they ignore him after a date or two.

Wow he's such an Eli.

by revealthetruth June 30, 2011

114๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


*Toronto Urban dictinary update*
Eli - to do something dats super weird, creepy, or rapey.

Ex: yo fam ur moving super eli bro fam relax yourself

by Woo Nation July 24, 2020

108๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Philosopher thats seen the way the world really is,

very reserved, a faithful boyfriend, and would do anything to make his lover happy.

Also resembles Rorschach, due to his view on things.

Loyal, Trustworthy, and an expert with women.

Self centered. But the healthy kind lol.

Hes cute, but he has BAD taste in women, hes been hurt a crap load of times.

too trusting of people.

usually roles with 2 main people in a crew.

can tell the difference between bullshit and the realist.

can be an ass, but only if provoked.

addicted to asian girls LOL.

really smart, but acts like a spazz :x

Can be weirdo at times, but all in all a great guy, loyal, loving, and sweet, and (like me) you will regret letting him go.

girl-my boyfriend is such an ass, i need help :(

other girl- girl you need an "Eli".

by asiancutiefoshoxp October 26, 2009

790๐Ÿ‘ 440๐Ÿ‘Ž