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thinks he's an eshay, says "ok" to when people admit their love to him, kinda just sucks in general. Loves himself too much.

s- hey elliott, i think i love you
e- k lol

by elliottshater June 5, 2019

2πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The name Elliott is hated to shit. This person is sketchy as fuck. He's the fucker in high school walking around like a autistic fuck. Really he's fucking insane he most likely will kill someone or himself. He will never make it in the real world. He's the cunt with mental problems like depression or ADHD. Stay the fuck away from this person

Person one: hey you see Elliott walking around the office like a retarded he's the worst humanity has to offer

Person two: agreed let's stay the fuck away from him

by The hard truth 101 April 6, 2017

11πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


Elliotts sucks dick and loves a girl named Sophie and ella

Elliott Sucks dick

by Fortnite Deathrun October 1, 2020

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Elliott is an extremely over protective lad who cant let go of a girl even if they have rejected them

Hello my name is elliott

by This-is-not-declan April 16, 2020

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


big fag that no body usually likes. has a small crush on grace and only dated her for a week

he’s gay, he’s an elliott

by factboy October 15, 2018

1πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Elliott is a shy guy who usually keeps his problems to him self. Weather friends or more he takes care of girls well and is a gentleman rather that a player. Elliott will be set on one in particular girl for long periods of time as he knows when he genuinely likes someone. Elliott can be delicate when it comes to girls and is easily lead on. However Elliott makes a good boyfriend as he Is dedacated to making an effort weather it be on dates, spectal occations or birthdays and he is loyal to his girlfirend and would allways treat her with respect. When hes In a relationship he treats his girlfriend like a princess and would never do anything to make her upset. He always puts his girlfriend before himself and Just wants to make her happy and will do anything to do so.


by GALXY November 21, 2012

429πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


Elliott is a sincere, kind, wall-mannered person who likes to make other people laugh. His friendliness shows with his sense of humor. He is also a glass half-full type of guy. His pawsitive attitude wins him many friends and he is a great listener. He typically has brown hair and is a ladies man. He never has trouble with the ladies. He has a nice smile and very white teeth, making his smile even more appealing. Elliott's in general make people around him happy and comfortable. Anyone that has an Elliott in there life should be very thankful.

oh look it's an elliott, he is so unreal.

by 12345555098890 June 22, 2012

237πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž