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Plateaued Equilibrium

The lovely place between pissed and stoned.

Hey, Matt, what do you call that place between pissed and stoned?

Plateaued Equilibrium man.

by marcowh April 13, 2021

Equilibrium Light

A Pittsburgh, PA-based psychedelia/pop/experimental band known for its extensive use of tambourines and synthesizers. The three most notorious members of the quintet are the vocalist/guitarist, Jesse, the vocalist/auxiliary percussionist, Victoria, and the live backup keyboard/synth player, Marie. Bonus 100 indie/hipster cred for knowing of this band, let alone enjoying their music.

I just saw Equilibrium Light live, they were so good

by psychedelicchic June 29, 2010

The Z Equilibrium

The exact balance between being on Heroin and Cocaine to keep your heart rate normal

At that party last night, I felt my heart slow down. So i hit a quick bump of coke to get me back to The Z Equilibrium

by Zallen April 14, 2015

piss equilibrium

Piss equilibrium occurs when in sex, a man and a woman start pissing at equal forces. This often times causes multiple universes to collapse at once due to the piss collapsing into its Schwarzchild radius, forming a kugelblitz so powerful that the space-time continuum is ripped apart at once. The only survivor of this piss equilibrium is known as a piss baby, formed from the piss of a man and woman, who inherits superhuman strength.

"Dude did you hear that VSauce was a piss baby?"
"Yeah, that piss equilibrium created a good one"

by Andrew Wangerdoodle May 22, 2018

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tumblr equilibrium

When you reach the point with your tumblr where you post only enough to maintain your current number of followers, not losing or gaining any.

Dude, if you keep queuing all your posts, you're gonna hit tumblr equilibrium

by lambyboo September 24, 2013

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dynamic equilibrium

When it blows as bad as it sucks.

It was a case of dynamic equilibrium when Steve realized that the totally hot stripper he was dating had left him for his ex-wife.

by Ricardo Corridor June 11, 2009

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Tab equilibrium

Living a life on the edge of all tab icons disappearing from too many open tabs.

Jim: "I am going to order my house today - the bedroom, the kitchen and windows desktop icons. But not before cleaning up open Chrome tabs. I cam't stand this tab equilibrium anymore!"
Lily: "Start with your mind."

by bugpower March 23, 2018