Source Code

ESA (External Shit Annihilation)

When you take a shit and you, quite literally, annihilate the shit by beating the shit out of your shit.

Mike: You wanna go ESA together bro?
Jack: Yeah after we finish munging.
Mike: Hell Yeah! ESA (External Shit Annihilation) is the best!

by MaleVeronica July 26, 2018

2👍 2👎

EsA Cawk Masta

EsA Cawk Masta means well... Is a Cock master. put it infront of any name you want.

etc. Laura EsA Cawk Masta

by Oklomsy October 2, 2019


An awesome rapper

Yo did you hear ESA's new track?!

by Jjjdkdkddd March 20, 2021


A girl best friend for life! She is amazing and very social. She is a born napqueen and likes dogs. When someone ask her to go to the McDonald she never hesitates!

They are memelords in spe and like to watch Netflix in bathrobes!

I am very hungry, maybe an Esa would help

by Hanski123 November 22, 2021