Source Code


1. An idea in the style of Jigsaw, from the killer movie Saw.

2. The feeling of wanting to teach someone a lesson in a painful way.

3. The feeling of being frustrated and quietly angry, to the point of wishing to jigsaw someone

'That's a sick idea; totally Saw-esque.'

'A: I'm feeling kinda of Saw-esque today.
B: Get away from me! I don't want to play a game!'

'GRR! She makes me feel so Saw-esque! Pass me her keys. I'm going to hide them. *angry*'

by Hannerr. January 13, 2009

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To do or act slutty in a sensual but "lady-like" manner. Most commonly used by Darlysa.

Wiki caressed his arm in a hoe-esque manner.

by howtobeahoe101 March 26, 2018

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Stimpy -esque


An art style that is reminiscent of the slapstick cartoon show "Ren & Stimpy" most commonly depicting highly exaggerated facial features and bulging eyes. May include hyper realistic skin and blemishes

"His drawing was very stimpy -esque, it made me uncomfortable."

by SYDWAD June 2, 2021


Songs that have similar harmonies, chord progressions, and musical style of Beatle songs. A song with mellow John Lennon type vocals over a slide guitar progression (George) with some horns and strings here and there (Paul) would be a Beatle-esque song.

Have you herd that ELO song called Cant Get it Out of my Head? It's super Beatle-esque!

by JamesTanglewood September 16, 2013


Obtaining the essence and qualities of a dyke.

Sleeve tattoo's on women are DYKE-ESQUE

"Girl, you buzzed your head? Thats dyke-esque."

"You havent shaved your legs in multable years. So Dyke-esque."

"How dyke-esque can you get? You're growing a mustache to go along with your Harley Davidson and your ripped jean jacket?"

Donna: "Sally; did you just grab my ass?"

"Sally, did you just Lugie in the grass...?

by Kirsten&RitaElena March 20, 2009


1. A word used to describe anything thing that is similar to or relating to the British Spy James Bond and/or the James Bond films. It can be used to describe things or actions.

2. Music that is similar to that of the all girl string quartet Bond.

The chase scene in that movie was very bond-esque.

That laser watch is so cool, it is very bond-esque.

That song is great, it's very bond-esque.

by Christopher J. Orcutt February 7, 2005

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Dominating beyond compare, Kobe's outstanding performance, making rank among the NBA records.

Dude, thats totally Kobe-esque of you, what a good job.

by Carlitos January 25, 2006

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