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Mia Fey

A very hot big boobie booty defence attorney who is also dead Mia is gone ๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€

Godot:o0o0o0o THATS a fine lady ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿคฃ

Mia fey:โšฐ๏ธโšฐ๏ธโšฐ๏ธ

by Big maz sexc October 28, 2019

21๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Failing in the form of an Asian name,or a language

Used as a substitute for failing without getting caught

Fei-Ling; Fayling; Failing! =D

Girl(Text): Lpl i knpw right!

Guy(Text): Why are you always fei-ling?

Girl(Text):Whos this fei-ling?

Guy(Text):You Dont Know fei-ling?well lots of ppl do her.


Girl:Hahaha,wow,hes a lame sidecock-i mean sidekick...

Guy: Ohh so you speak in fei-ling too???

Girl:Noo,is tht some kind of new language??

Guy:Okay,say fei-ling fast.

Girl:Fei-ling,Feiling,Failing...OHH FAILING!!

by LolOmgWtfxD June 14, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fei Long

Street Fighter's tribute to Bruce Lee.

Fei Long is a Kung Fu action movie star who seeks to test his skills by facing true opponents. Fei Long has no projectiles, as he is a close range fighter. Usually, he is looked upon as a lower to mid tier character. However, Fei Long can be deadly in the right hands.

His three special moves are the Rekkaken (which can be stringed up to three times), Rekkukyaku (aka Chicken Wing) and Shienkyaku (Flame Kick).

The Rekkaken (QCF + P) is a special punch that can be stringed together up to three times for a quick combo. A good Fei Long player will need to use Rekkas often. The Rekkas are also known to have good range, as Rekkas will slide Fei towards his opponent.

The Chicken Wing (HCF, UF + K) can hit overhead on crouched opponents, and is a good way to start off combos. The RK Chicken Wing can usually get Fei over projectiles.

The Flame Kick (RDPM + K) is his AntiAir move, and can be used for wake ups. When stringed into combos, Flame Kicks can work wonders.

Fei Long might sound difficult to master, and I wont lie - He's not the easiest to use. However, he's very fun to play as, and plus he's simply badass.

My favorite Street Fighter character is Fei Long, because he's fun to play as. He's also like Bruce Lee, and Bruce Lee was the shit.

by Jordan Stevens March 10, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pearl fey

pearl fey, also known as pearly, the cutest child (along with trucy) in ace attorney

person 1: i dont understand why everyone makes fun of Apollo forehead when pearl feys forehead is like 10x bigger
person 2:pearl gets a pass because at least she dosent have those ugly ass antennas.

by Pheonix squish me in ur boobs February 8, 2022


Fei-Long (ใƒ•ใ‚งใ‚คใƒญใƒณ, Fei Ron?, Chinese: ้ฃ›้พ, Pinyin: Fฤ“i-Lรณng, meaning Flying Dragon, also the Chinese equivalent to Wyvern) is a video game character from Capcom's Street Fighter fighting game series. Fei-Long was designed as a pastiche of real-life martial artist and movie star Bruce Lee.

While playing Super Street Fighter 2: HD Remix I chose to play as Fei-Long.

by Fei-Long 1 February 21, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tina Fey

n. Facial scar or other head wound.

I stood too close to the tee box during Tiger's backswing and took a 5 iron to the chin giving me a wicked Tina Fey.

by Mr. Slime September 6, 2007

1163๐Ÿ‘ 501๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fei Deng

This is a cantonese phrase, meaning when the nipples are poking out of your clothes

~the teacher's nipples are sticking out~

by onjj7799 December 22, 2014