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A 3rd person shooter & persistent warfare MMO video game set in the fictional land of Caoiva with WWI/WWII style equipment. The two factions you can play are the evil invading Colonial Legion or the noble proud holy Warden Empire. Siege Camp (the devs) have taken great care of nurturing the game and adding hidden lore.

Hey, hop on Foxhole the Collies just took the Conclave.

by Númenion June 2, 2023


An extreme and vocal Right wing supporter that gets the majority of their information from FOX television.

No matter what the subject is they always respond "what about Hunter Biden?" What a Foxhole!

by Get out of the Foxhole June 28, 2022


The act of putting contraband in your vagina and concealing it.

Sally and I bought an 8-ball for the show and we got pulled over. I said quick foxhole that 'ishyour glove box!

She was foxholing the ball all the way to the show .

by annielennoxisprettyawesome June 5, 2022