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An organization designed upon societal and/or religious virtues and designated by greek letters which is intended to provide additional assistance to young college men beyond the curriculum of their respective university, including but not limited to leadership, organizational, rhetorical, political and social skills. Focused on the instillment of manly principles such as maturity, discipline, honor, self restraint, friendship, kindness, labor and selflessness. These are values which the typical university does not attempt to foster and which are sadly lacking in many (but not all) of our generation. Fraternities are like people; there are good ones and bad ones, and each individual is responsible for which one they associate with as they will be rightly judged in kind; however, as with people, it is also highly irresponsible and ignorant to label or judge them wholesale.

True Fraternity men are those whose goal is academic excellence and the enrichment of society.

by Drew Reitman January 23, 2007

897πŸ‘ 871πŸ‘Ž


To associate or build a relationship/friendship with someone that isn’t meant to be or supposed to be made

There’s no fraternizing with the enemy!

by The writer L February 22, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


From a scientific stand point, the mentality of frat is extraordinarily close to that of a street gang as they both have various symbols and signs that you find engraved into bathroom walls and desks. They believe that strength comes in numbers and the individual is powerless by themselves. If understood by its definition, then a fraternity is a group of individuals who’s self esteem comes only from the amount of friends they can initiate into their frat. There is the social experiment of placing a member of a prestigious fraternity into a setting of those who are not part of the frat lifestyle and after a small amount of time, that individual conforms to the interests and beliefs of that group. Thus the strength of their fraternity is disproved. This is exactly the reason fraternities do not allow those of low income levels to enter their social groups. From an evolutionary stand point, diversity is beneficial in all forms. Thus a fraternity who lacks unconditional acceptance is flawed in its abilities.

the young man joined the fraternity for social acceptance but found unwarrented rivalries and economic discrimination.

by chris January 24, 2005

514πŸ‘ 522πŸ‘Ž


A social group made up of men that actually do a lot of community service and gain a lot of connections for life. While some are expensive, you can talk to them to see if they can create a payment plan for you. These are often confused with unrecognized gangs that call themselves fraternities. Real fraternities don't rape women.

The Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity colony at SUNY Oneonta has raised money for Opportunities for Otsego (OFO).

by C1ofUnknown March 17, 2005

1045πŸ‘ 1133πŸ‘Ž


organization that exists to sell t-shirts

frat boys must have at least 20 shirts from their fraternity in their closet.

t-shirts are made about anything they do, inc road trips, campings, parties, dinners, and even the official (insert greek letters) 'taking a group dump' t-shirts

by jorgie= March 22, 2007

408πŸ‘ 439πŸ‘Ž


Twins that do not look alike.
Most people think of identical twins when you say twins, but twins are just people that are born on the same day (as you should know if you are over 6).

Because of that, fraternal twins do look a little like, but not enough to be considered twins. Often it is assumed that they are siblings of different ages or cousins.

"This is Jane Doe, she's my-"
"Yeah...But she's also my twin."
"Oh really. Yeah, that's why you look different." *snorts and walks away*
(Joann and Jane Doe at the same time) "Bye, ignorant human being who acts like they are six!"
Mary-Kate and Ashely are idiots...And they are also NOT fraternal. At least not naturally.

by Carynne No. December 10, 2006

20πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A group of men who enjoy promiscuous gay sex. They mostly like to eat jizz and have sex with sheep. Many believe they are responsible for the terrorist attacks on the world trade center.

Fratboy #1: One time I was having sex with a duck but it choked on my cock so I took it back to the petstore and asked for a sturdier duck but now i'm banned from that store for life. I'm also banned from the supermarket.
Fratboy #2: y helo thar buttsecks!1

by GammaAlphaYorrick February 20, 2005

440πŸ‘ 500πŸ‘Ž