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A "lifestyle" in which people want to be different from everyone else and show that they don't care what everyone else thinks.
They typically don black eyeshadow, dye their hair black, wear black clothing that makes you think "bondage" and act like they hate the entire world. Typically, not everyone. This way, they can act EXACTLY LIKE everyone else who claims they "want to be different and don't care what everyone else thinks.

Oh come on, we all know someone like that. Poor bastards just need a hug, is what they need.

by tiberius September 6, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who dress in black and always look sick and pale. They worship satan and paint thier nails black. They always talk about how dark and shitty life is. I think they are all losers

Oh god, life sucks so much... I wanna die so bad, but I'm such a coward.

by Goth-Hater August 23, 2004

15๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gothic: Gothic people are emotional, weird masses with an unintelligent fanatic towards what they within themselves consider art. Many Gothic humans already might be pale or having a terrible time so decide to be concired gothic since they match the definition. Before somebody is Gothic they are usually just troubled and usually still are after being Gothic. Gothic people have all the same issues as everybody else but choose to be Gothic for some mysterious reason.

A lot of these Gothic people exist.
They are generally harmless.

Ozzy Ozbourne is somebody most people recognize, and he looks Gothic.

Gothic music is prominant in the United States of America and a couple cultures in Western Europe.

by Accasionally May 16, 2010

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Marilyn Manson.....plain and simple.

I can't give a better example then that..... Marilyn Manson IS Gothic.

by AshleighRoxBeJealous December 8, 2006

4๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gothic is dressing in black to look like a freak. But not knowing why the image is called Gothic

"If I wear black boots and purple make-up I'll be Gothic, And be unique like every other freak"

by Mr Toad January 10, 2008

1๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gothic, as refers to the musical style and culture, has its roots in the punk scene of the late 70's/early 80's in both the UK and in America. The latter saw the rise of West Coast "death rock" acts such as 45 Grave and Christian Death, fronted by the late Rozz Williams and largely considered to be one of the founding fathers of the Gothic movement, along with UK bands such as the Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus. The mid-80's saw the Second Wave of Goth, led by acts such as Rosetta Stone in an electronic direction, Fields of the Nephilim and Nosferatu in a more organic, but almost theatrically morbid direction, and bands like the Mission (later the Mission UK) in an organic, but less spooky direction, often penning lyrics about lost love or transcendence of spirit. From the early 90's onward the Gothic music has taken on so many different forms that the sound of the music is as diverse as the people who listen to it.
Theatricality was always a big part of the Gothic movement, giving rise to the dark colors and ornate trim which evolved into Gothic fashion as we know it today. Many people dress in elaborate outfits and use lace, velvet and other classical materials, and employ corsets and old-fashioned items like that.
Boots are often very popular with both sexes.
The clubs are a big part of the Gothic scene, providing an opportunity for like-minded souls to network among people they might never meet in "real" life, as well as providing a venue for local and big-name bands to perform in an intimate setting for their fans.
The setting usually is pretty intimate, being usually very dim with occasional accent lights thrown on for effect, often with fireplaces, candelabra, or smoke machines. often there will be a cage for a leather-clad fetish girl to entertain onlookers.
The Gothic scene shares its borders with those of the Industrial scene, in terms of adherents, fashions and venues, and there is often some degree of overlap. This is commonly referred to by the generic tag, the "dark underground."

Gothic music and scene lifestyle can be campy and immerse itself in the trappings of vampires, B-movies and candlelight, can be sensual and beautiful in a classical sense, or can simply be an opportunity to rock out and dance.

by PANiC! in my Pants February 1, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Not Gothic

"Not Gothic" is what actual Goths call "Hot Topic". No self respecting Goth owns anything from or ever sets foot in Hot Topic for any reason. Also referred to as "Lukewarm Discussion".

Nice Evanescence shirt, poseur. Do a little shopping at Not Gothic, did we?

by Anti-HIM October 19, 2010

582๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž