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Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is character from the Harry Potter series that everyone says is Harry Potter's girlfriend but everyone knows it's all about Ron and Hermione.

Just watch the third movie, you'll see what I'm saying. And plus they're arguing all the time. They obviously love each other.

by JasRey April 12, 2005

1446๐Ÿ‘ 415๐Ÿ‘Ž

hermione granger

Hermione Granger is the smartest witch of her time, she is a loyal friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. She has bushy brown hair,and large forteeth, but she is actually really beautiful! She maybe is a little bit frigid and a know-it-all, but if you know her better she is the best friend you'd ever have. She is a real bookworm. She is secretly in love with Ron Weasley, but she doesn't dare to tell him!!!!!

Do you know Hermione Granger?
Yea, she is the best character in the Harry Potter series.

by Summerbreeze May 25, 2006

611๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hermione Granger

the nerd bookworm know-it-all of a friend of Harry Potter's and Ron Weasley's in the Harry Potter series. She quite frequently knows all the answers in classes and is a master of the art of wandwaving.

Also the word to describe someone heavily obsessed with the Harry Potter books who also happens to be a psychotic know-it-all.

"Did you see that girl at the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?"
"The one who was correcting everybody because they were saying ridiculous instead of riddikulus?"
"Yeah, she was a real Hermione Granger."

by Alexis Riddle May 22, 2004

608๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hermione Granger

The one who wears the pants in the Harry Potter trio.

Ron Weasley: "My wand broke"
Harry Potter: "My parents died"
Hermione Granger: "You are both pussies"

by Merriam EBster March 15, 2015

68๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Granger Danger

When a girl shows up to a big event, often a dance, and is suddenly noticed as beautiful by her peers and/or love interest(s). Most of the time, she wears a pretty dress, lets her hair down, and takes off her glasses, and this is all that must be done.

When Shelly showed up to the dance in her new strapless, it was total granger danger.

by Rumbleroar42 April 21, 2010

36๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hermione Granger

The Hogwarts version of Google chrome

"Where's Hermione Granger when i need her?" - homework

by whyItsme July 29, 2019

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is pretty close to the most clever character in Harry Potter. Behind Dumbledore of course. She is best friends with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley who she gets out of trouble the whole book series. Hermione has a crush on Ron Weasley throughout the series. She is the smartest witch in her year and the brightest girl to pass through Hogwarts in over a hundred years. Hermione is muggle-born and is described as ugly with large teeth by most people. Hermione is actually really pretty and people don't like her because of how smart she is. Hermione Granger is the best character in the Harry Potter series by far.

What do you think about Hermione Granger
Best Harry Potter Character for sure.
Oh yeah!
*High Five*

by Dreaming Of Hermione Granger December 27, 2011

222๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž