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Grappling Hook

A sexual maneuver wherein one is having sex with a female vaginally and doggy-style, and one inserts both thumbs (or two or more other suitable digits) into her anus and crooks them on the inside so as to create a solid lock. This creates the possibility of pulling the girl onto you more forcefully and with greater sensation. To say the least.

"Boarding parties away! Launch the grappling hook and bring her alongside for us to plunder!"

by Der Kaiser December 20, 2004

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napple grapple

Napple Grapple: to squeeze the nipple of a friend until the point of pain.

Usually seen in goups of men, the napple grapple is a method of showing affection in a masculine way. To perform a napple grapple properly the nipple should be squeezed while rotating the wrist until the recipient squeals in pain.

While hanging out drinking beer, Justin reached over and gave Charles a napple grapple.

by escapethefate February 5, 2010

grappling baby

a pregnant mexican woman who aims her birth canal at america and shoots her newborn baby over the border fence. once the baby hooks on the other side, she pulls herself over with the umbilical cord.

A: Aww, look a little bird landed on my shoulder.
B: Look again, Peter, that's a grappling baby!

by astroo December 29, 2011

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grapple juice

Grape juice and apple juice combined, makes Grapple Juice! It's very tasty, and not as tangy as grape juice.

This grapple juice is delicious!

by KFabMom October 28, 2008

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penis grapple

The act of a woman guiding a penis into her vagina with her hand.

"She was giving me a great penis grapple so I knew she wanted it all night."

by j44757blaze October 19, 2008

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grappling baby

Noun. A baby that is fired from the birth canal of a woman seeking citizenship in the united states. It is fired over the border fence and then the mother uses the umbilical cord to scale the wall.

Stephen Colbert explained how a grappling baby is fired over a fence on the Colbert Report. - 12-12-11

by AccesiViale December 13, 2011

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Grappling Baby

A pregnant mexican woman, that aims her birth canal over the border, shoots her baby over, then uses the umbilical cord to pull herself over the border.

"Damn, there's a ton more mexicans now, because the moms figured out how to use a grappling baby..."

by theoneandonlyRD December 14, 2011

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