Source Code

gunny rolls

Rolled sleeves of a Marine's cammie blouse that have been rolled very poorly and show that the Marine does not care how people see him in uniform. (could also be caused by waking up late for duty and having to roll your sleeves in just a few minuets.)

That Marine has disgusting gunny rolls, he must have woken up late today.

Look at his gunny rolls, he's such a shitbag

by DevilDogPOG October 24, 2011

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Gunny Snipes

An employee of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

Mommy is going to jail because a Gunny Snipes caught me downloading music.

I download my music from SoulSeek which makes those gunny snipes' very angry.

by ToM (P2PForums.com) April 17, 2004

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Country Gunny

A Country Gunny is a Gunnery Sergeant who is originally from the south and prefers riding extended cab HUMVEE's, drinking Bud Light nightly while watching football, and listening to patriotic country songs about 9/11.

Our Company Gunnery Sergeant, Gunny Cletus, is a real Country Gunny. He was listening to Toby Keith sing about 9/11 on his way to the grinder.

by DinduEnuff April 21, 2019

Gunny Greens

An old army uniform that is now hard to wear. Often you can hardly fit into it and it often has to be squeezed shut. The most notable set of Gunny Greens belongs to MSGT/GYSGT Earl Pickles USA USMC Ret. His wife, Opal, can't believe he still has it.

Earl: Uh oh, its almost Veterans Day. I'd better whip out my old Gunny Greens. (laughs)I can't fit into these babies anymore, but I still love to wear them.

Ed: Gunny Greens? You know I've got a set of them, too. Back when the Army and Air Force were all one lump, I wore them. It was sweet!

Ben: (looking shocked) What are you two talking about? I've never heard of Gunny Greens. I never wore those.

Earl: (laughing again) Here, try these on. See what you think. (he hands the uniform to Ben) Its probably not gonna fit you, but you'll love it.

Ben: (squeezes himself into the uniform) Fits great! Can I keep this one?

Earl: Sure! You can keep this one. I've got tons more.

Opal: You are crazy! I can't believe you kept that thing! If the folks at Camp Swampy saw that, they would have a fit. Amos Halftrack would be rolling.

Earl: No, no. I can't part with this. That's my Gunny Greens, there. Who knows, I might get called back into the service someday. Me and that old suit have been through a lot. (salutes) TEN HUT! At ease!

by Dusty's Baby Powder May 14, 2011

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Gunny Snipes

Someone who lives behind their keyboard only to be a legend in their own mind.

Despised by the majority of the internet and everyone in P2P filesharing.

You motherfucking Gunny_Snipes
You n00b, you Gunny_Snipes
You can't defeat me, Gunny_Snipes
I have a life, unlike you Gunny_Snipes

by Athlon June 7, 2004

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The act of being scolded by a U.S. Marines Staff NCO, usually the rank of Gunnery Sgt. for doing something/inappropriate.

This often times leads to the Junior Marine shitting his pants.

We were Marching to class when out of nowhere, a GySgt stopped us and yelled at us for marching to fast.

PFC Johnny was totally Gunny-Raped that day.

by XKalibur July 21, 2011


synonym for funny

orange turtle-spider

OMG dat was lik SOOO gunny

by gunnybunny November 16, 2008

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