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Hangin Toe

Derived from the surfer slang "Hang Ten". "Hangin Toe" describes the intentional public display of "cameltoe".

Jeff: "Dude, check out that chick in the stretchy pants"

Mike: "She's not that hot"

Jeff: "Yeah but she's really Hangin Toe"

by Uncle jeffy November 5, 2009

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

hangin' biscuit

Wearing sandals or strappy pumps that are too small, so that your heel hangs out over the shoe sole (and looks like a half-eaten biscuit hanging out).

Those sandals are too small for your size 10 feet. You're hangin' biscuit, girl.

by Miss Construe July 18, 2011

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Hangin Chester

When sitting naked on a wide couch with the knees up so your testicles hang freely below you.

Man, it was so hot in my house today, when the kids left i got naked started Hangin Chester. The breeze was nice.

by St_patrick-Sledgehammer7569 July 22, 2017

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hangin' frank

When you can see a man's genitals from behind. Frequently seen while Mooning, or wearing a hospital gown.

Rob got so drunk at the party, while he was on the patio he tried to give us pressed ham on glass, but he bent over too far. Nobody wanted to look, but we still couldn't take our eyes off his hangin' frank.

by Mkgrenwel March 11, 2011

Hangin gutter

A man unzips his pants and let’s his limp dick hang out of the front of his pants.

Did you see Ed he was hangin gutter

by Murriden April 1, 2021

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Hangin' and bangin'

A term often used to describe two people who, as the name suggests, hang out but also bang. Similar to friends with benefits.

Jake: So are you and Stephie fucking all the time?

Andrew: Nah man we're hangin' and bangin', a little column a and a little column b!

Jake: Lucky bastard.

by Spudda87 July 1, 2013

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

hangin' shrimp

When sandals or strappy pumps are too small and one's toes hang over the front edge of the shoe.

Those sandals are too small for your size 10 feet. You're hangin' shrimp, girl.

by Miss Construe July 18, 2011

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž