Source Code

Van Harted

When one makes a spectacular "roast" or "burn" in class. Named after the infamous deified journalist, guitarist, and teacher, Adam Van Hart.
Typically followed by the entirety of the word exclaiming in perfect unison, "Ooooh, you just got Van Harted!"

Student: Hey, Mr. Van Hart! I think you made a mistake here.
Mr. Van Hart: I was just learning from your parents.
Rest of World: Ooooh, you just got Van Harted!

by Pizza Pie December 2, 2016


A building of broken dreams coated with the tears of desperation.

Conselor : Do you have any dreams of hopes in your future?

Client : N0 , I worked for harte-hanks...

by John Jacob Jingelheimer Schmit May 22, 2011

49๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Hart

Best person on the planet.

She's sweet, nice, hot, beautiful, and has an amazing personality. She is always there for her friends, and would do anything for them.

Wow, she's soo sweet. She is a "Hannah Hart"

by luv2dance003 March 6, 2012

261๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Joe Hart

Number 1 goalkeeper for Manchester City and England's national team. He is a great keeper and has awesome reflexes and diving skills. He also is funny and a sexy man.

City Fan #1: Hey did you see Joe Hart's performance today?
City Fan #2: Oh yeah! Another clean sheet!

by BlueMoonRising October 1, 2012

37๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Hart

best gbc member, made bangers w peep and his latest album with yawns is godtier

joe: have u heard the new cold hart album?
steve: yea man dont know if its a boy or a girl yet tho still fire

by jacobpp69 June 10, 2020

harte hanks

just means the very worst/the absolute pits of something. id rather fuck a stinking goat and shit on my own face than work for harte hanks

"oh man, thats so harte-hanks"

by josh arias April 22, 2004

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Ethan hart

black boy who loves fried chicken and has a small penis loves to use his small penis as a rapid fire gun

Ethan hart is eating fried chicken and beating his rapid fire penis

by Ethan hart October 13, 2020