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Hawaiian Jabbawocky

The sexual act of inserting a straw into a significant other's ass and slurping out the diarrhea and spitting it on your partner.

Guy #1: "Dude, some girl asked me last night to Hawaiian Jabbawocky her.
Guy #2: "Did you do it?"
Guy #1: "No..."
Guy #2: "I would have..."

by B-ryon March 16, 2012

45๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

hawaiian oyster

Overly Wet Pussy that looks like an oyster when presented to the taker.

I could tell from the wet spot she left on the mattress that she had a Hawaiian Oyster.

by BigMikeAZ December 20, 2017

Hawaiian Oranges

In Hawaii it refers to large testicles or large balls.

Oh did you see Oak's Hawaiian Oranges!?

by Scooty Patootty August 7, 2023

Hawaiian milkshake

The product of drinking large amounts of pineapple juice to make ones ejaculate taste sweeter.

Hawaiian milkshakes are a low fat treat that my GF can enjoy anytime.

by El Conquistador March 18, 2017

Hawaiian Volcano

Giving someone a blowjob underwater upside down until they cum. You then proceed to blow it out your nose causing it to float to the top of the water like an underwater smokestack.

Susie started to choke after she gave me a Hawaiian Volcano.

by TheArbiter21 April 11, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stupid Hawaiian

The exact percentage of stupid Hawaiians in Hawaii is uncertain, but its a pretty high percentage. A stupid Hawaiian is a racial bigot that is too lazy to to anything other than complain about Haole's. They are basically the same as red-necks that hates black people, only they hate white people for no apparent reason. They have nothing to offer the world other than the trash they litter their own land with.

Stupid Hawaiians really make the world a hostile place. The world would be better without red-necks and stupid Hawaiians

by kcsantos86 December 5, 2009

190๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hawaiian Shitbox

When you smoke a joint while taking a giant shit in a tiny fire camp bathroom and then take a steaming hot shower. People know....

Hey man, I really wanted to brush my teeth but someone Hawaiian shitboxed the bathroom

by Ovipositor July 1, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž