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street hostess

A woman,girl,and/or lady whose living life through her vagina as a hooker and/or female escort.

That bitch is sucking dick like a hooker, no dog as a street hostess.

by warchiyldhe March 5, 2006

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Mostest with the Hostess

A cruel and unusual twist on the commonly-known phrase "Hostess with the Mostest", which is normally used to describe either a) the Denny's Hostess with the biggest rack...or b) the Hostess that you'd mostest like to anally violate. To the dismay of male chatters around the world, this phrase is used to symbolize many an AOL woman, who not only have an unhealthy desire to accumulate more Twinkies and Suzy-Q's than any other household on the block, but use their impressive cache of baked goods to provide sustenance for the hours upon hours they spend in chatrooms.

JWeed439: "Yo Rylie...have you seen the size of the ass on Jenny lately?" Rylie: "Dude. How can you miss it. She's gotta be the Mostest with the Hostess."

by JWeed439 August 19, 2011

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Hostess Peach Pie

The best tasting thing ever but it's never in stock.

Man that Hostess Peach Pie was the BE. I ate it up like it aint nothin. Pladow!

by MicMac23 July 9, 2009

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Hostess fruit-pie

A flaming or smoldering 'mo

Elton John is a hostess fruit-pie that squats to pee

by Frank Lee Usuck III March 16, 2019

street corner hostess

Someone who has sex for money

I wanna tap that street corner hostess

by StonerChick8333 November 9, 2022


One of the most stressful jobs out there, in spite of how easy it seems.

Many high school students, or even worse, college students unfortunately get this as their first ever job, only to give a week's notice and find something else, or quit altogether.

Being a hostess gives me SO much anxiety. We're the first and last thing every customer sees when they walk in and out, long hours, minimal pay, we have to deal with the angry customer who's mad they're waiting 45 minutes and thinks they can just sit at any table that's available. The whole flow of the building is in our hands and if we mess up even just a little, we have angry customers AND angry waiters! We're the waiter's punching bag! MY god I just started my job last week and I already want to quit

by milkjar is lame November 19, 2021

chat hostess

A person who thrives on gossip, especially nasty gossip that demeans others to make themselves feel good about themselves.

A chat hostess is a perfect job for a nasty old lady.

by seengee March 30, 2009