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Sleep hungover

When you are up so late or get so little sleep that you have the same symptoms as if you had been out at a bar/party pounding down the drinks... headache, stomachache, hungry, everything is loud, etc.

Man, I was at that party last night and didn't have a drink ... but was out so late I'm sleep hungover!

by Mutantperch November 13, 2016

Hungover tears

When hungover and you feel so terrible that you feel like you are dying, then you feel worse when you realise that you will survive.

I had a huge night last night, now I have an extreme case of hungover tears

by Wurdsmyth von Cokesucker October 22, 2017

reverse hungover

It’s from partying too hard but not drinking then feeling like complete crap the morning after

Me: Dude I partied so hard last night and didn’t drink but i feel so shitty .
Friend: You’re reverse hungover.

by tHeDictionarY2.0 January 28, 2018

National Hungover Day

Not to be confused with National Hangover Day which is January 1st. This is the day after the 4th of July which is U.S.A.'s Independence Day. It is a result of too much partying the previous day.

Person1: Man, I feel awful.
Person2: You and me both.
Person1: Oh, yea thats because its National Hungover Day...
Person2: .....

by SpoR July 5, 2007

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Hungover out

adj - hanging out with the intent to be hungover the next day.

"Clear your weekend, we have a hungover out scheduled this weekend and I need no disruptions. "

by FistsDeLaFrost December 7, 2013

Hungover, and homosexual

A phrase that you use when there's a really awkward tension that's the carnage of being homosexual and hungover.

You may be not intoxicated, but you're still gay.
Consider it your first.
...Or first in a while.

"They started kissing after! They were totally hungover, and homosexual!"

"Wow! who knew they would be so awkward... wonder why, oh! they're probably hungover and homosexual."

by PROMISEDFORTUNE July 19, 2023

hungover with food

When you might be under-age for drinking, or are against drinking when hung-over, so you eat all the food you can after trying to get over that breakup when they never really loved you.
And you become fat.


Christian Carino: FINE!

Christian Carino was later found sad in his apartment, due to being hungover with food, resulting in him being 100 pounds fatter.

by Hong22 November 10, 2021