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Good hydrate

Good hydrate is another way of expressing you're liking of a drink

ex; bro this is some Good Hydrate have you tryed it
ex; can I have a sip of you're Good Hydrate bro?

by Jmag is not ferd January 3, 2019

Hydration sauce

It’s water

Yo, pass me some hydration sauce

by Adolphin24 October 5, 2020

Hydrated Air

The cooler way to say water!

“Yo Johnny lemme get some of that hydrated air!”

by Justchilloutman November 18, 2021

Hydration Nation

A nation created to let others drink water as free men.

Teacher: don’t drink water in class
Student: I can if I want I am a member of the Hydration Nation

by Hydration Man April 6, 2020

Prime Hydration

A drink that Logan Paul and KSI worked on.

A : Damn, have you seen the new drink that Logan Paul and KSI created?
B : Yeah, it's Prime Hydration. It taste nice.

by Bugymenjagi January 6, 2022

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Liquid Hydration

anther word for water

Y'all i'm thirsty , I need liquid hydration

by Arron Sky September 23, 2019

Gotta Hydrate

A gay euphemism referring to going to a gay bar to “hydrate” on sexual fluids

I gotta hydrate tonight!

by randomlycarrot April 4, 2018