Source Code

Right I'm going to bed

Right I'm going to bed is used when trying to tell a girl you like her and you've had enough of pouring your heart out.

Right I'm going to bed. Nothing will change. I just really like you

by Bradley Frisby October 30, 2018

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I'm going to Walk the cat

To have sexual intercourse with a female.

"Hey whats going down with that chick and you?"
"Ah, I'm going to walk the cat."
"thata boy!" (slap hands)

and or,
"What are you about tonight?"
"Yo, I just want to walk a cat tonight"

and or,
"That girl is hella horny>"
"Ya, she wants her cat walked."

by Ryan Prewitt February 24, 2008

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I'm going to walk the cat.

Getting a female to have intercourse with you.

James: "What good with that prospect?"
Pip: "Ah, I'm going to walk the cat."
James: "Ahhh ya!" (Slap Hands)

by Ryan Prewitt February 22, 2008

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I'm going Fear and Loathing

To take a suitcase full of controlled substances to one place with the intent to ingest said substances with a small intent to distribute.

Similar to a "bender" but with more sales.

Dude! I heard in Ohio the acid is $15/hit, the good weed goes at $20/g, and the opioid's go for a dollar a milligram man... Let's hit Detroit first, load up on the water front, and then I'm going Fear and Loathing on that bitch!

by Raoul Duke XIII July 12, 2012

I'm going to commit suicide

When someone is deliberately trying to end their own life. It normally happens when one is depressed

Nick: "I'm going to commit suicide"

Charlie: "Please don't, we can get you all the help you need"

by Chronicpain July 28, 2022

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I'm going to kill myself


Something that especially a suicidal person would say to underline that they have gone through a lot and are not able to mentally or physically keep up with the current situation anymore.

My life is nothing but endless suffer, I think I'm going to kill myself

by by the Reaper July 23, 2018

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I'm going to wax his pole.

The slang 'waxing his pole' means when a girl gets really kinky and decides she wants to suck a guys cock.

I'm going to a party and get drunk and find a hot guy and I'm going to wax his pole.

by Biggg Countryyy November 25, 2011

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