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incredible hulk

A mixture of 2 of the most famous liquors in the world, Hpnotiq(Mostly drank by the teenaged group) and hennessy, a choice by mainly older men, this is usually a 1 part hpnotiq 1 part hennessy, which turns the drink into a bright green liquid, hense the name incredible hulk.

we be drinkin that hyp and hen what we be callin incredible hulk

by Jones Valusse May 4, 2006

156๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

street incredibility

an excessive, over the top amount of 'street credibility'. the point where one goes from being a gangsta to damn near the hulk in these streets. to be unbelievably hardcore

dude: yo! that edWord hyde dude up the road is a beast! he ripped off his vest and started beating on his chest and the other guy shat his pants!

duder: that guys street incredibility is on!

by ed the Word September 10, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


"The Incredible Guff" is the name given to all farts that fulfull the following criteria:

A. they are huge
B. they are dangerous
C. they can go through walls
D. they are angry
E. everyone knows one is in the room

At the ASDA checkout people begin to disperse in disgust.
<whispered> "It's THE INCREDIBLE GUFF!"

by Mister Otter June 20, 2007

incredible hulk

hen and hypno mixed,

"Sippin hypnotic and hennessy yeah we call that incredible."

Twista - Like A Pimp remix

by Incline January 28, 2004

193๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

incredible bulk

someone who constantly drinks ovaltine to increase his strength for about 10 second, he has after effects that include bulging eyes, and a constantly open mouth, he also makes a noise e.g. "ERRRRRRR"

hey lee, look at that incredible bulk over there staring again.

by Darren and lee October 18, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


The use of two words together, created by Patrick May. Incredible-doings means:
1. Something good you've done
2. Something amazing someone has done
3. Some music recorded on an audio tape

"Wow, those were some incredible doings."
"I think I'll listen to some incredible doings."

by Patrick May May 5, 2004

Incredibles 2

The first film, with a hell and a damn.

"Pixar made Incredibles 2 so inappropriate. Please think of the children!" - Person who hasn't seen The Incredibles

by Realslimshady128 April 27, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž