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A person who is addicted to eating Chick-Fil-A and is upset that they are only open 6 days a week.

A JD would like to have Chick-Fil-A for Valentine’s Day.

by duckmonster8 February 7, 2021


Jd is a boy that cute likes Panda his first love was in 5th grade. they dated in 6 th grade. They will love each other for eternity

He Is such a Jd

by AlohaxPanda June 12, 2017

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A Jd is a person who usually has A very small penis so small in fact some may say he has chode.A JD is pretty cool until you talk about his chicken sandwich in a box.

Wow that JD could never pleasure a girl.

by Youngdung1256848936 November 28, 2018

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The greatest human on earth

Man : Thanks for saving my dog, your such a JD!

by Octane loctane June 25, 2018

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Just dumb

We got a test to see if our dog was mentally disabled but turns out he's just dumb or JD.

by Geekboy321 July 17, 2019

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The funniest cat in Saline. The one you love to hug, the man you can't resist and the smile you love to love.

The JD is taken ladies.

by Joangee April 1, 2005

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Its a vicious creature from the depths of the nether that can only be savage by the blood of its enemies.

look its a JD

by Not JD October 26, 2016

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