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Janus Sanders

A snek boi that is a part of Thomas Sanders known as Deceit

My friend: Janus Sanders looks nice!

Me: he's a milf

by Camsung Galaxy June 10, 2021

Hugh janus

A stupid name that Josh Bennett uses because it sounds like Huge Anus

Hi my name is Hugh

Hugh who?

Hugh janus

by Hmmmm🤔 December 3, 2019

14👍 9👎

Janus Pussy

N. After the Roman God Janus and the term Pussy (used to mean wussy or snowflake); Someone who is two faced and can't take it when they are rebuked.

*sarcasm* Oh g-d; our esteemed POTUS is tweeting, again! He's such a Janus Pussy!!

by LadyBookworm80 August 7, 2017

3👍 1👎

The Gates of Janus

A book written by Moors murderer Ian Brady. I’m reading it right now and it’s really good.

Despite being a child murderer, The Gates of Janus is a good read. I like to see the world through a murderers’ eyes. Even if that seems pretty morbid. Ian Brady was a very interesting man, despite his killing spree.

by Death Menace December 14, 2022

Hugh Janus

When said, it's supposed to sound like 'Huge Anus'.

Also used by Ben of the Week in his zoom call videos.

My name's Hugh Janus, ma'am.

by TheFukkingSimp August 24, 2022

janus riis tannis

A brilliant historian and archaeologist who specialized in Mesoamerican culture and history. He died recently on an archaeological dig in Mexico. Foul play was ruled out in an official report, but there are suspicions that he may have been murdered.

Why do I keep seeing signs saying "Janus Riis Tannis is not who he seems to be"?

by Temple of the Sun February 6, 2005

Janus Syndrome

(Jay-nuss sin-drome) Similar to an ego death from a DMT experience, however, in this case you are just completely retarded.

Fucking Janus. Classic Janus Syndrome.

by Chork Kang January 19, 2021